choose your mxd file with layers and zoom to selected records based in criteria and iterate through records get & save screenshot.
required parameters are, ###mxd2jpg class
- mxdPath: path to the valid mxd file
- images path: folder at which the images installed
- pk: primary key (objectid) of the layer's table (deafult: "OBJECTID")
- widht: px witdh of the images (default: 363)
- height: px height of the images (default: 300) ###mxd2jpg.selectLayer def
- layerName: name of the layer which is valid at the dataframe
- whereClause: arcgis select layerByAttribute like where clauses (default: "")
- example whereClause: "AREA > 300"
-pip install mxd2jpg
-python -m pip install mxd2jpg
Please ensure that you need to have ArcGIS 10.x installed on your computer in order to use this module.
import mxd2jpg
mxdj2jpgObject = mxd2jpg.mxd2jpg(r'A:\buildings.mxd', 'A:\exported-images', pk="OBJECTID")
print "DONE!"