let client = new Client({
organisationId: "org-name-here",
baseDomain: "https://api.ctrl-hub.dev",
clientId: 'insert-client-id-here',
clientSecret: 'insert-client-secret-here',
authDomain: 'https://auth.ctrl-hub.dev' // a request will be sent to https://auth.ctrl-hub.dev/oauth2/token
// Get all submissions for 'org-name-here' organisation
let { data} = await client.submissions().get()
Note that when the SDK is ran within a browser, cookies will be forwarded with the API requests in the
header. When authenticated, the users session token is forwarded within that header
Create a new model file in src/Models,
which implements theModel
interface -
Create a new service which extends BaseService in src/services e.g.
import {BaseService} from "../services/BaseService";
import {Shoe} from "../models/Shoe";
import {Client} from "Client";
export class ShoeService extends BaseService<Form> {
constructor(client: Client) {
super(client, "/v3/orgs/:orgId/shoes", Shoe.hydrate);
- In src/services/BaseService.ts, add the model within the constructor
this.models["shoes"] = Shoe as ModelConstructor<Shoe>;
You will then be able to do the following
let client = new Client({
organisationId: "org-name-here",
baseDomain: "https://api.ctrl-hub.dev",
clientId: 'insert-client-id-here',
clientSecret: 'insert-client-secret-here',
authUrl: 'https://auth.ctrl-hub.dev/oauth2/token'
// any options, sorts, filters etc.
let options = {
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
sort: [
field: "name",
direction: "desc",
filters: [
key: "category.id",
value: "be780a63-6944-4305-943c-e715e9177371",
include: [
"related-model-1", "related-model-2"
let shoesResponse = client.shoes.get();
The above would send a GET request to https://base-endpoint.com/v3/orgs/org-name-here/shoes?limit=10&offset=0&sort=-name&filter[category.id]=be780a63-6944-4305-943c-e715e9177371
Everything in the src/ directory will be compiled to the dist/ directory
bun run build
Will auto reload on file changes (assuming you have a root file called index.ts)
bun --hot index.ts
Tests are all located in "tests" in the same structure as the source files
bun test
bun test --coverage