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Rewrite timestamp handling code.
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cubicibo committed Sep 30, 2023
1 parent f25f920 commit 6888e5c
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Showing 3 changed files with 120 additions and 62 deletions.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@

from scenaristream import EsMuiStream
from scenaristream import EsMuiStream, TSClock
from scenaristream.__metadata__ import __author__, __version__

import os
Expand All @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def exit_msg(msg: str, is_error: bool = True) -> NoReturn:

parser.add_argument("-m", "--mui", type=str, help="Input MUI associated to xES to convert.", default='')
parser.add_argument("-t", "--textst", help="Use if TextST.", action='store_true')

parser.add_argument("-l", "--late-ts", help="Flag if first PTS is after 13.5 hours when converting to xES+MUI.", action='store_true')

parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=f"(c) {__author__}, v{__version__}")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, required=True)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ def exit_msg(msg: str, is_error: bool = True) -> NoReturn:
elif args.textst:
EsMuiStream.convert_to_tesmui(, args.output, args.output + '.mui')
EsMuiStream.convert_to_pesmui(, args.output, args.output + '.mui')
first_dts = ((1<<32)/TSClock.PTS) if args.late_ts else (-1.0)
EsMuiStream.convert_to_pesmui(, args.output, args.output + '.mui', first_dts=first_dts)
exit_msg("", is_error=False)
elif args.mui:
print("Converting from xES+MUI...")
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173 changes: 115 additions & 58 deletions scenaristream/
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#%% Library
import os

from typing import Generator, Union, Optional, Type
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from enum import IntEnum, Enum
from struct import unpack, pack
from typing import Generator, Union, Optional, Type
from enum import IntEnum, Enum

class MUIType(IntEnum):
VIDEO = 0x01
AUDIO = 0x02
TEXT = 0x04

class StreamHeader(Enum):
PG = b'PG'
IG = b'IG'
MPEG_TS = bytes([0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xBF])

class GraphicSegment(IntEnum):
PDS = 0x14 #PGS+IGS
ODS = 0x15 #PGS+IGS
PCS = 0x16
WDS = 0x17 #PGS
ICS = 0x18 #IGS
END = 0x80 #All
END = 0x80 #PGS+IGS

class TextSegment(IntEnum):
STYLE = 0x81
DIALOG = 0x82

class TSMask(IntEnum):
RAWES = (1 << 32) - 1
MPEGTS = (1 << 33) - 1

class TSClock(IntEnum):
STC = int(27e6)
PTS = int(90e3)

class TSOffset(IntEnum):
RAWES = int(90e3)
MUIES = int(54e6)

#%% Raw stream format (tsMuxer, SUPer, avs2bdnxml)
class StreamFile:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,6 +204,89 @@ def gen_segments(self) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]:

class TSContext:
carry: int = 0
offset: int = 0

def __post_init__(self) -> None:
self.carry = int(self.carry)
self.offset = int(self.offset)
self._prev_dts = (-1)*TSClock.PTS
self._negative_possible = self.carry == 0

def from_dts(cls, dts: int) -> 'TSContext':
ctx = cls((max(dts, 0) & TSMask.RAWES)//(TSMask.RAWES+1), TSClock.PTS)
ctx._negative_possible = dts < 0
return ctx

def from_float_dts(cls, dts: float) -> 'TSContext':
ctx = cls(round(max(dts, 0.0)*TSClock.PTS)//(TSMask.RAWES+1), TSClock.PTS)
ctx._negative_possible = dts < 0
return ctx

def get_full_range(self, pts: int, dts: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
self.carry += (self._prev_dts + self.offset > dts + self.offset)

if self._negative_possible and dts > TSMask.RAWES - self.offset:
dts = -1 * ((-1*dts) & TSMask.RAWES)
if pts > TSMask.RAWES - self.offset:
pts = -1 * ((-1*pts) & TSMask.RAWES)
elif pts > dts:
self._negative_possible = False

self._prev_dts = dts

if not self._negative_possible and pts < dts:
pts += TSMask.RAWES + 1
return self.carry*(TSMask.RAWES+1) + dts, pts + self.carry*(TSMask.RAWES+1)

class TSPair:
def __init__(self, dts: int, pts: int) -> None:
self.dts, self.pts = dts, pts

def from_mui(cls, tc_bytestring: bytes) -> tuple[int, int]:
# DTS has 33 bits and is defined on the 90 kHz clock
# Remove ticks offset and shift by one bit as the DTS LSB is on the 4th byte.
dts = (unpack(">I", tc_bytestring[:4])[0]) << 1
dts += (tc_bytestring[4] >> 7)

# PTS has 39 bits, whom 6 are unused, so we assume 33 bits.
pts = (tc_bytestring[4] & 0x7F) << 32
pts += unpack(">I", tc_bytestring[5:])[0]
return cls(dts - TSOffset.MUIES, (pts >> 6) - TSOffset.MUIES)

def from_rawes(cls, tc_bytestring: bytes, ctx: Optional[TSContext] = None) -> tuple[int, int]:
pts, dts = unpack(">" + "I"*2, tc_bytestring)
if ctx is not None:
return cls(*ctx.get_full_range(pts, dts))
return cls(dts, pts)

def to_mui(self) -> bytes:
dts, pts = self.dts, self.pts
dts = (dts + TSOffset.MUIES) & TSMask.MPEGTS
pts = (pts + TSOffset.MUIES) & TSMask.MPEGTS

payload = bytearray(b'\x00'*9)
# encode DTS MSBs.LSB
payload[:4] = pack(">I", (dts >> 1) & ((1 << 32) - 1))

# encode PTS as 39 bits (easier than 33 bits in the middle of two bytes)
payload[4:9] = pack(">Q", (pts << 6) & ((1 << 39) - 1))[3:]
payload[4] |= ((dts & 0x1) << 7)
return bytes(payload)

def to_rawes(self) -> bytes:
dts, pts = self.dts, self.pts
return pack('>' + 2*'I', *map(lambda ts: ts & TSMask.RAWES, (pts, dts)))

#%% Scenarist BD format parser
class EsMuiStream:
def __init__(self, mui_file: Union[str, Path], es_file: Union[str, Path]) -> None:
Expand All @@ -204,42 +306,6 @@ def __init__(self, mui_file: Union[str, Path], es_file: Union[str, Path]) -> Non
def type(self) -> MUIType:
return MUIType(self._mui_data[3])

def get_timestamps(tc_bytestring: bytes) -> bytes:
mask = (1 << 32) - 1
#Convert the proprietary timestamps to standard PTS and DTS
dts = unpack(">I", tc_bytestring[:4])[0] - int(27e6)
dts = (dts << 1) + (tc_bytestring[4] >> 7)
ov_cnt = tc_bytestring[4] & 0x7F
#for each overflow, we add 2**32/128
pts = ((unpack(">I", tc_bytestring[5:])[0])/128 + (1 << 25)*ov_cnt - 27e6)/45e3
return pack(">I", round(pts*90e3) & mask) + pack(">I", dts & mask)

def encode_timestamps(pts: int, dts: int, is_first_block: bool = False) -> bytes:
UINT32_NVALS = (1 << 32)
payload = bytearray(b'\x00'*9)
payload[4] |= 0x80*bool(dts % 2) #accuracy

#The conversion is lossy (DTS 33, PTS 39) bits -> (DTS 32, PTS 32) bits.
#We use a flag, is_first_block, to cheat and apply a different equation
#to the first set of segments.
start_of_stream = dts > (UINT32_NVALS >> 1) and is_first_block
if start_of_stream:
offset = UINT32_NVALS-dts
sdts = ((offset+1) >> 1) + int(27e6) - offset - ((offset+1) % 2 == 0)
assert sdts >= 0
sdts = ((dts >> 1) + int(27e6)) & (UINT32_NVALS-1)
payload[:4] = pack(">I", sdts)

spts = (pts << 6) + (int(27e6) << 7)
if not start_of_stream:
payload[4] |= 0x7F & (spts >> 32)

payload[5:] = pack(">I", spts & (UINT32_NVALS - 1))
return payload

def gen_segments(self) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]:
if self.type == MUIType.GRAPHICS:
yield from self._gen_segments_graphics()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,7 +347,7 @@ def _gen_segments_graphics(self) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]:
index += 1
block_length = unpack(">I", self._mui_data[index:(index:=index+4)])[0]

header = __class__.get_timestamps(self._mui_data[index:(index:=index+9)])
header = TSPair.from_mui(self._mui_data[index:(index:=index+9)]).to_rawes()
segment_data =
if len(segment_data) < block_length:
segment_data +=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,7 +379,8 @@ def _mui_header(cls, mui_type: MUIType) -> bytes:
def segment_writer(cls,
es_file: Union[str, Path],
mui_file: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
mui_type: MUIType = MUIType.GRAPHICS
mui_type: MUIType = MUIType.GRAPHICS,
first_dts: float = -1.0,
) -> Generator[None, Type[bytes], None]:
Write segments as they arrive to manage memory efficiently.
Expand All @@ -326,21 +393,17 @@ def segment_writer(cls,

esf = open(es_file, 'wb')
mui = open(mui_file, 'wb')


first_block = 0
ctx = TSContext.from_float_dts(first_dts)

segment = yield
while segment is not None:
segment = bytes(segment)
mui.write(segment[10:11] + pack(">I", unpack(">H", segment[11:13])[0]+3))
pts_dts = unpack(">" + "I"*2, segment[2:10])
mui.write(cls.encode_timestamps(*pts_dts, first_block < 10))
if segment[10] == GraphicSegment.END and first_block < 10:
first_block += 1 if (pts_dts[0] & (1 << 31)) else 10
mui.write(TSPair.from_rawes(segment[2:10], ctx).to_mui())
segment = yield
except Exception as e:
Expand All @@ -361,7 +424,7 @@ def shift_pts(pts: bytes):
ticks = 0
for byte in pts:
ticks = (ticks << 8) + byte
return ticks + 54000000 #600*90e3
return ticks + TSOffset.MUIES

def encode_pts(pts: int) -> bytes:
return bytes([(pts >> (8*(4-k))) & 0xFF for k in range(5)])
Expand All @@ -380,10 +443,7 @@ def encode_pts(pts: int) -> bytes:
length = unpack(">H", segment[1:3])[0]
#Write segment without length and timing data
if segment[0] == TextSegment.STYLE:
#hack, SubtitleEdit includes number of dialog linked to style
#in length but Scenarist does not. SubtitleEdit may do something wrong.
ts_length = length-2
esf.write(segment[0:1] + bytes([ts_length >> 8, ts_length & 0xFF]) + segment[3:])
esf.write(segment[0:1] + bytes([length >> 8, length & 0xFF]) + segment[3:])
elif segment[0] == TextSegment.DIALOG:
pts1 = encode_pts(shift_pts(segment[3:8]))
pts2 = encode_pts(shift_pts(segment[8:13]))
Expand All @@ -405,6 +465,7 @@ def convert_to_pesmui(cls,
stream_file: Union[str, Path],
es_file: Union[str, Path],
mui_file: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
first_dts: float = -1.0,
) -> None:
Convert a graphic stream to a MuiFile.
Expand All @@ -420,19 +481,15 @@ def convert_to_pesmui(cls,

mui.write(bytes([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, MUIType.GRAPHICS]))

first_block = 0
ctx = TSContext.from_float_dts(first_dts)

for sc, segment in enumerate(stream.gen_segments()):
#Write segment without length and timing data
#Write header (segment type, length+3, )
mui.write(segment[10:11] + pack(">I", unpack(">H", segment[11:13])[0]+3))
pts_dts = unpack(">" + "I"*2, segment[2:10])
mui.write(cls.encode_timestamps(*pts_dts, first_block < 10))
if segment[10] == GraphicSegment.END and first_block < 10:
#PTS=DTS of end > 0 -> all subsequent PTS and DTS are larger than zero
first_block += 1 if (pts_dts[0] & (1 << 31)) else 10
mui.write(TSPair.from_rawes(segment[2:10], ctx).to_mui())
#write tail
print(f"Converted {sc} segments.")
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__MAJOR = 0
__MINOR = 0
__REV = 4
__REV = 5

__version__ = '.'.join(map(str, [__MAJOR, __MINOR, __REV]))
__author__ = 'cubicibo'

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