A simple drag and drop directives for VueJS to handle drag and drop
Thank you, Enjoy ...and please give me a star ;-)
<item v-drag="dragDefs" />
dragDefs: {
parent: () => this.$el,
data: dragData,
lockY: true,
onStart: (data) => {
// callback
onDrag: (data) => {
// callback
onEnd: (data) => {
// callback
- parent: dom element target as func callback. drag object will be appended to that during drag
- data: will be flow back in the callbacks as data.dragData
- lockX/Y: drag only on x/y axis possible
<item v-drop="dropDefs" />
dropDefs: {
data: dropData, // data will be flow back in the callbacks as data.dropData
placeholder: true,
onStart: (data) => {
// callback <- drag start for every v-drop directive items
onDrag: (data) => {
// callback <- drag for every v-drop directive items
onEnd: (data) => {
// callback <- drag end for every v-drop directive items
onEnter: (data) => {
// callback <- drag enter only for this item
onMove: (data) => {
// callback <- drag over only for this item
onLeave: (data) => {
// callback <- drag leave only for this item
onDrop: (data) => {
// callback <- drag end over only for this item
You can forward the data to the directive as function
v-for="item in list.items"
:style="'background: #' + list.color"
the defs as function
dragDefs: (dragData) => {
return {
data: dragData,
then you can use it in every event function
onDrop: (data) => {
Also the drop
<ul v-drop="dropDefs(list)">
give you the:
- data.oldParentData = data from the old parent
- data.startIndex = start index in the old parent
- data.dropData = date from the new parent
- data.endIndex = end index in the new parent
to change the data then:
onDrop: (data) => {
data.oldParentData.items.splice(data.startIndex, 1)
data.dropData.items.splice(data.endIndex, 0, data.dragData)
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