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Changed cucumber.runtime.clj to implement cucumber.runtime.clj.Backend#loadGlue
Implemented getSnippet to return the same snippets as did
Fixed a problem with creating TagExpression in add-hook-definition
Added additional feature to execute clojure-snippet
Added Before and After step definitions to execute add-hook-definition
  • Loading branch information
nilswloka committed Mar 19, 2012
2 parents 393837b + d4ffedd commit dcdcef0
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Showing 15 changed files with 262 additions and 292 deletions.
93 changes: 58 additions & 35 deletions clojure/pom.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,40 +13,63 @@
<name>Cucumber-JVM: Clojure</name>

<!-- These dependencies are required in order to find classes when running in an IDE - they haven't been jar-jarred -->
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions clojure/src/main/clj/cucumber/runtime/clj.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
(ns cucumber.runtime.clj
(:import (cucumber.runtime CucumberException
(cucumber.runtime.snippets Snippet
(gherkin TagExpression)
(clojure.lang RT))
(:gen-class :name cucumber.runtime.clj.Backend
:implements [cucumber.runtime.Backend]
{[] []}
:init init
:state state))

(def glue (atom nil))

(defn clojure-snippet []
(template [_]
"({0} #\"{1}\"\n"
" (fn [{3}]\n"
" '' {4}\n"
" ))\n"))
(arguments [_ argumentTypes]
(SnippetGenerator/untypedArguments argumentTypes))
(namedGroupStart [_] nil)
(namedGroupEnd [_] nil)
(escapePattern [_ pattern]
(str pattern))))

(def snippet-generator (SnippetGenerator. (clojure-snippet)))

(defn load-script [path]
(RT/load (str (.replaceAll path ".clj$" "")) true)
(catch Throwable t
(throw (CucumberException. t)))))

(defn- -init [resource-loader]
[[] (atom {:resource-loader resource-loader})])

(defn -loadGlue [cljb a-glue glue-paths]
(reset! glue a-glue)
(doseq [path glue-paths
resource (.resources (:resource-loader @(.state cljb)) path ".clj")]
(binding [*ns* (create-ns 'cucumber.runtime.clj)]
(load-script (.getPath resource)))))

(defn- -buildWorld [cljb])

(defn- -disposeWorld [cljb])

(defn- -getSnippet [cljb step]
(.getSnippet snippet-generator step))

(defn- -setUnreportedStepExecutor [cljb executor]

(defn add-step-definition [pattern fun location]
(matchedArguments [_ step]
(.argumentsFrom (JdkPatternArgumentMatcher. pattern)
(.getName step)))
(getLocation [_]
(str (:file location) ":" (:line location)))
(getParameterTypes [_]
(execute [_ locale args]
(apply fun args))
(isDefinedAt [_ stack-trace-element]
(and (= (.getLineNumber stack-trace-element)
(:line location))
(= (.getFileName stack-trace-element)
(:file location))))
(getPattern [_]
(str pattern)))))

(defmulti add-hook-definition (fn [t & _] t))

(defmethod add-hook-definition :before [_ tag-expression hook-fun]
(let [te (TagExpression. tag-expression)]
(execute [hd scenario-result]
(matches [hd tags]
(.eval te tags))
(getOrder [hd] 0)))))

(defmethod add-hook-definition :after [_ tag-expression hook-fun]
(let [te (TagExpression. tag-expression)
max-parameter-count (->> hook-fun class .getDeclaredMethods
(filter #(= "invoke" (.getName %)))
(map #(count (.getParameterTypes %)))
(apply max))]
(execute [hd scenario-result]
(if (zero? max-parameter-count)
(hook-fun scenario-result)))
(matches [hd tags]
(.eval te tags))
(getOrder [hd] 0)))))

;; TODO: before and after hooks

(defmacro step-macros [& names]
(cons 'do
(for [name names]
`(defmacro ~name [pattern# fun#]
`(add-step-definition ~pattern# ~fun#
'~{:file *file*
:line (:line (meta ~'&form))})))))
Given When Then And But)

(defmacro Before [& fun]
(when (not (empty? fun))
(let [fun (first fun)]
`(add-hook-definition :before [] ~fun))))

(defmacro After [& fun]
(when (not (empty? fun))
(let [fun (first fun)]
`(add-hook-definition :after [] ~fun))))
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions clojure/src/main/clj/leiningen/cuke.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
(ns leiningen.cuke
(:require [leiningen.compile :as lc]
[leiningen.core :as c]))

(defn cuke
"runs cucumber"
;; basically a reimplimentation of cli.Main that doesn't annoyingly
;; call System/exit
`(let [~'runtime (cucumber.runtime.Runtime.
(list* ["test/cucumber"])
( false)
mformatter# (doto (cucumber.formatter.MultiFormatter.)
(.add (.createFormatter
"pretty" System/out)))
formatter# (.formatterProxy mformatter#)]
(.run ~'runtime
(list* ["test/cucumber/features"])
(.reporterProxy mformatter#))
(.done formatter#)
~(when-not c/*interactive?*
`(System/exit (.exitStatus ~'runtime))))))
103 changes: 0 additions & 103 deletions clojure/src/main/java/cucumber/runtime/clojure/

This file was deleted.

18 changes: 0 additions & 18 deletions clojure/src/main/java/cucumber/runtime/clojure/

This file was deleted.


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