The aim of this project is to develop a simple Crawler- based search engine that demonstrates the main features of a search engine (web crawling, indexing and ranking) and the interaction between them.
- Must have java and tomcat installed..
- Go to 'Search_Engine/src' folder
- Compile the "QueryProcessor" java class OR use the "SearchServer" class (from api/classes folder)-> dummy api
- Get .class file and put it in classes folder of WEB-INF of tomcat server;
- Also add the web.xml file there too (from api folder)
- And then run the tomcat server by running at cmd in bin folder
- Must have node installed..
- Go to 'cors' folder
- do
npm install cors-anywhere
- run
node cors
- now it's running on localhost:8000
- Must have flutter and dart installed..
- Go to 'Interface' folder
- run
flutter run --no-sound-null-safety -d chrome --web-port=5555
- now it's running on localhost:5555