This project started with a copy of the v0.11 of
The Sliderule specific web client code is located in the www directory.
README-AmazonCloudFrontSecureStaticWebsite describes the Amazon CloudFront Secure Static Website architecture, setup and deployment.
This was used to create and deploy our sliderule-web-client:
make cold-start-sliderule-webclient
make package-and-deploy
To update the content of the website sync the www directory with the current web-client-stack-customresourcestack-s3bucketroot[unique-id] bucket: e.g.
aws s3 sync web-client/dist/ s3://web-client-stack-customresourcestack-s3bucketroot-1exsbbvzf84py/
To invalidate the CloudFront cache use with the appropriate distribution-id:
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id EXAMPLE1234 --paths "/*"