WebView for avalonia
English| 简体中文
- please install VisualStudio 2022 or greater or rider
- use .net7 runtime (version 7.0.0 or greater)(if you want to use others, please modify the version in the global.json)
- please setup workloads include Android, iOS, Wasm , MacOS
- please open the long path support in Windows OS(https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/maximum-file-path-limitation?tabs=registry)
Add [WebView.Avalonia][nuget] or [BlazorWebView.Avalonia][nuget] nuget package to your avaloniaui shared project:
dotnet add package WebView.Avalonia OR dotnet add package BlazorWebView.Avalonia
Add [WebView.Avalonia.Desktop][nuget] nuget package to your avaloniaui desktop project:
dotnet add package WebView.Avalonia.Desktop
Add [WebView.Avalonia.Android][nuget] nuget package to your avaloniaui Android project:
dotnet add package WebView.Avalonia.Android
Add [WebView.Avalonia.iOS][nuget] nuget package to your avaloniaui iOS project:
dotnet add package WebView.Avalonia.iOS
file:using AvaloniaWebView; OR using AvaloniaBlazorWebView; ... public override void RegisterServices() { base.RegisterServices(); // if you use only WebView AvaloniaWebViewBuilder.Initialize(default); // Or // if you use BlazorWebView, please setting for blazor AvaloniaBlazorWebViewBuilder.Initialize(default, setting => { //this is setting for blazor setting.ComponentType = typeof(AppWeb); setting.Selector = "#app"; //because avalonia support the html css and js for resource ,so you must set the ResourceAssembly setting.IsAvaloniaResource = true; setting.ResourceAssembly = typeof(AppWeb).Assembly; }, inject => { //you can inject the resource in this inject.AddSingleton<WeatherForecastService>(); }); }
file for Desktop:using Avalonia.WebView.Desktop; <<---add this ... public static AppBuilder BuildAvaloniaApp() => AppBuilder.Configure<App>() .UsePlatformDetect() .LogToTrace() .UseReactiveUI() .UseDesktopWebView(); <<---add this
file for Android:using Avalonia.WebView.Android; <<---add this ... protected override AppBuilder CustomizeAppBuilder(AppBuilder builder) { return base.CustomizeAppBuilder(builder) .UseReactiveUI() .UseAndroidWebView(); <<---add this }
file for iOS:using Avalonia.WebView.iOS; <<---add this ... protected override AppBuilder CustomizeAppBuilder(AppBuilder builder) { return builder.UseReactiveUI() .UseIosWebView(); <<---add this }
use Webview2 for Windows (please install Microsoft edge Webview2)
use WKWebView[Appkit] for MacOS (system in)
use Webkit Webview for Linux (if not please install [sudo apt-get libwebkit2gtk-4-37])
use Android.Webkit.WebView for Android (this is in Microsoft-Android [net5.0-Android; net6.0-Android; net7.0-Android])
use WKWebView[UIKit] for iOS (this is in Microsoft-iOS [net5.0-ios; net6.0-ios; net7.0-ios])
Platform | Technologies |
Windows | WebView2 |
MacOS | WKWebView(Appkit) |
Linux | Gtk3,WebKitGtk3 |
Android | Android.Webkit.WebView |
iOS | WKWebView(UIKit) |
You can always download demo executable to play around with WebView
WebView.Avalonia Version | Avalonia Version |
0.1.0-rc1.x | 11.0-rc1.x |
11.0.x | 11.0.x |
WebView.Avalonia is moving forward together with Avalonia preview versions now. So new feature/fixes are not backported to previous preview versions. If you need a feature/fix for outdated avalonia preview version, please raise an issue so we can do that for you.