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Build 3097 - Version 3.9.2

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@mcrossley mcrossley released this 07 Dec 12:09
  • Fix: Change log messages for number of SQL rows affected to Debug only messages

  • Fix: AirLink web tags no longer error if the sensor is not enabled - all now return "--"

  • Fix: Australia NEPM AQIs to allow values greater than 101

  • Fix: Canada AQHI - still based on PM2.5 3 hour values only

  • Fix: Dutch and Belgian AQI calculations

  • Fix: Default web site temperature Trends graph yAxis issue

  • Fix: Broken logfile, extralogfile, and dayfile editors in b3096

  • Fix: Improve Instromet stations error handling of out of sequence responses

  • Fix: Extra files without the EOD flag were not being transferred during the EOD upload period (first after rollover)

  • Adds Notifications to Alarms
    Note: Cumulus notifications only work by default if you run the browser on the same machine as Cumulus and connect using the
    url: http://localhost:8998
    In order to get them working on a remote machine you will have to change an advanced flag in your browser.
    This is at your own risk as advanced flags are unsupported features in Chrome and Edge.
    In Chrome or Edge, open the url - "about:flags"
    Find the entry "Insecure origins treated as secure" and enable it
    The add the url you use to remotely access the Cumulus dashboard - eg.
    Then click the button to restart your browser. Notifications should now work.

  • Adds Latch times to Alarms. You can now specify a period in hours that an alarm will remain active after the event that tripped it has reset.

  • The default value for "DavisIncrementPressureDP" is changed from true to false
    ** The effect of this is that for Davis VP/VP2 stations, the default number of decimal places used for pressure values changes
    from 2 dp (hPa/mb) and 3 dp (kPa, inHg) to 1 dp (hPa/mb) and 2 dp (kPa, inHg)
    ** If you wish to retain the previous behaviour, then you MUST add the setting "DavisIncrementPressureDP=1" to your Cumulus.ini file

  • Wind Rose is now populated from data files at start-up (last 24 hours)

  • New graphs option to show/hide sunshine hours data

  • New admin interface historic graphs (and associated API)

  • New default web site page to show historic graphs

  • Adds Air Quality to Recent Graphs in Admin Interface and default web site - configure a primary AQ sensor in Station.Options

  • Adds Air Quality upload to WeatherUnderground. Enable in WeatherUnderGround settings, and configure a primary AQ sensor in Station.Options

  • Adds Air Quality upload to AWEKAS. Enable in AWEKAS settings, and configure a primary AQ sensor in Station.Options

  • Adds ability to define the number of decimal places used for various weather units via read-only settings in Cumulus.ini.
    The full list of existing and new values is:
    WindSpeedDecimals=1 // Existing entry
    WindSpeedAvgDecimals=1 // Existing entry
    WindRunDecimals=1 // NEW
    SunshineHrsDecimals=1 // Existing entry
    PressDecimals= // NEW [hPa/mb=1, inHg=2]
    RainDecimals= // NEW [mm=1, in=2]
    TempDecimals=1 // NEW
    UVDecimals=1 // NEW
    AirQualityDecimals=1 // NEW - affects AQI values only, not PM values

  • Lots of internal code fettling

  • New Cumulus.ini read-only entry to control the data read rate for Instromet stations. The value is in milliseconds, default is 500.

  • Admin interface tweaks

  • Change WUnderground Password field name to Station Key in settings