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Releases: cumulusmx/CumulusMX

Build 3115 - Version 3.10.0

25 Feb 20:08
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  • Fix: Catch error creating System Uptime counter on Windows

  • Fix: The Local web server is now brought up before initialising the station. This allows you to correct a misconfigured station without resorting to editing the Cumulus.ini file.

  • Fix: Diary Editor creating entries on the wrong day, and revamp the interface a bit

  • Fix: WLL day average temp stats on historic catch-up

  • Fix: GW1000 auto-discovery was triggering an erroneous IP address change

  • Fix: Cumulus MX shutdown when running as a system service is now orderly

  • Fix: The start-up ping now refreshes the DNS cache before every re-try to avoid using null entries cached before the internet comes up

  • New: Brand new default web site template courtesy of Neil Thomas. The original "legacy" web site is still included, but it has been moved to the /webfiles-legacy folder.

    • The new web site is now data file driven as opposed to all pages being processed and uploaded. The legacy web site has also been updated to use this method.
  • New: The previous Console log file is now copied to an "-old" file on start-up

  • New: For Davis WLL stations using, Cumulus now checks and reports the operational status of on start-up and if an error occurs accessing the service

  • New: Two web tags <#forumurl> and <#webcamurl>, which just return the respective URLs rather than the pre-canned HTML of <#forum> and <#webcam>

  • New: The start of a Display Options section under Station, which controls what data is displayed on the default web site, implementing some of the Cumulus 1 options

    • New web tags for this: <#Option_useApparent>, <#Option_showSolar>, <#Option_showUV>
  • Change: All the settings screens revamped, reorganised and extended.

    • Many of the settings are now context sensitive, only showing items relevant to your station and configuration.
    • Most of the previously config file "read-only" settings are now available in an Advanced section relevant to the configuration item. These settings are now read/write.
    • Many new Cumulus.ini configuration entries, and some now depreciated.
    • Virtually all the standard files that can be generated can now be controlled for enabling/disabling generation and FTP transfer independently.
    • Added more graph data series controls.
  • Change: The two graph config files availabledata.json and graphconfig.json are now only uploaded on program start-up and when the station config is changed.

  • Change: Dayfile, Monthly Log, and Extra log file editors now have a selectable page length, and a goto-page feature

  • Change: The default web site is now driven by a single data file (plus realtimegauges.txt), rather than every page being updated and uploaded each interval.

  • Change: The various charting pages now hide buttons for graphs that do not contain any data - both on the dashboard and default web site.

  • Change: Creation of the wxnow.txt file is now disabled by default for new installs

  • Change: Clock sync (Davis VP2 & Instromet) now occurs at 2 minutes past the hour selected

  • Change: Davis VP/VP2/Vue ReadReceptionStats now defaults to enabled for new installs

  • Change: The default output file format is now UTF-8 for new installs

Build 3107 - Version 3.9.7

31 Jan 15:03
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  • Fix: Unhandled exception in ProcessTemplateFile if cumulus cannot write to the output file

  • Fix: Davis IP logger prevents Cumulus exiting if no station is found on the network

  • Fix: Ecowitt AQ sensors not loading graph data from the log files on start-up

  • Fix: Bug in dayfile parser that was using the time of highest wind speed as time of lowest humidity.

    • The dayfile parser now outputs the first field number in a line that has failed to parse along with the field contents
  • Fix: The GW1000 retains the previous lightning time/distance if the station resets the values to defaults

  • Fix: Now opens the Davis WLL multi-cast listening port in shared mode to allow multiple copies of Cumulus to run on the same computer.
    Only tested on Windows, may not work on macOS.

  • New: Adds a Select-a-Chart to the dashboard for recent data so you can plot different data on the same chart

  • New: Adds a Select-a-Chart to the default web site for recent data

    • Creates a new json data file - availabledata.json - that is uploaded to the remote site
  • New: Adds a hot link to the Upgrade alarm on the dashboard

  • New: Adds a start-up host ping escape time. Allows Cumulus to continue loading even if no ping response is received for the specified time

  • Change: The default web site gets a CSS change that dynamically alters the "content" width depending on the screen size. On smaller screens the white space either side will reduce in size.

  • Change: The graph JSON data files are now always created locally, regardless of the Include Graph Data Files setting. That now setting only controls FTP like the standard files.

Build 3101 - Version 3.9.6

20 Jan 17:28
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  • Fix: NOAA monthly report min temp/rain not formatting in dot decimal correctly

  • Fix: Windows console log no longer being created

  • Fix: Fix for exit handlers being called before cumulus instance is initialised causing an unhandled exception

  • Fix: Airlink auto-discovery/update when you have more than one Airlink device

  • Fix: Upgrade & Spike alarm latch hours not being saved/read correctly. You will need to check the values after installing this release.

  • Fix: Rework both the interface graphs and default web site graphs JavaScript files

  • Fix: SampleStrings.ini changes/fixes. The following entries should not longer be quoted - Davis Forecast strings and CO₂ captions

  • Change: Recent graph hours now defaults for new installs to 72 hours instead of 24

  • Change: All alarm latch hours now default to 24 hours

Build 3100 - Version 3.9.5

14 Jan 10:04
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  • Fix: Alarms being cleared after their defined latch time even if latching was disabled

  • Fix: Adds missing dew point calculation for GW1000 extra T/H sensors 1-8

  • Fix: Potential Object reference not set to an instance of an object fault on initial configuration [Goran Devic]

  • Fix: Failed connections to some SFTP servers - Renchi.SshNet library reverted to older version

  • Fix: Improved accessibility of the "Extra web files" page

  • Fix: Tweak to Sunshine hours counter reset logic (primarily for Imet stations during a power cycle)

  • Fix: Davis Console battery low threshold changed from 4.0 V to 3.5 V

  • Fix: Rework station rain counter reset logic. Cope with Davis station start-up on the first day of new rain season which is not January

  • New: More comprehensive support for the Ecowitt WH45 CO₂ sensor...

    • Added to Extra Sensors page
    • Added to Strings.ini
    • Can be selected as the primary AQ sensor
    • New web tags:
      <#CO2-pm2p5>, <#CO2-pm2p5-24h>, <#CO2-pm10>, <#CO2-pm10-24h>, <#CO2-temp>, <#CO2-hum>
    • Added to ExtraLog file, columns for: CO2, CO2Avg, pm2.5, pm2.5Avg, pm10, pm10Avg, Temp, Hum
  • New: Improved GW-1000 device auto-discovery, after initial discovery or user input of the IP address it locks onto the MAC address for further changes in IP
    If multiple potential devices are found they are now listed and the user must add the appropriate IP into the config and restart Cumulus.
    Discovery is now run whenever a Data Stopped condition is detected (and periodically thereafter until the data resumes)
    New Cumulus.ini setting:

  • New: Adds a browser cache time limit of 5 minutes to the Admin interface static files

  • New: NOAA reports settings now have an option to force "dot" decimal points, this overrides your locale setting
    New Cumulus.ini setting:

  • Tweaks the charts for both the admin interface and the default web site

  • Rework of Airlink sensor implementation - no functional changes

Build 3099 - Version 3.9.4

30 Dec 15:10
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  • Fix: WMR100 stations generated empty daily graph data files on start-up

  • Fix: System uptime web tag for Linux systems - maybe!

  • Fix: Historic charts wind run tooltip suffix

  • Fix: High Min Temp and Low Max Temp records editors were not displaying and allowing input of the time

  • Fix: This Month/This Year records editors were showing records for the entire day file rather than the specific period

  • Fix: GW1000 station dewpoint calculation incorrect on first packet read at start-up

  • New: Settings page: Program Settings. Moved Debug/Data logging options and Prevent Second Instance to here from Station Settings.
    Note: These settings still remain in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini file for backwards compatibility

  • New: Two settings to delay the start-up of Cumulus MX. Both added to the new Program Settings page.
    Start-up Host PING: Specify a remote hostname or IP address, Cumulus will wait for a successful PING from this address before continuing
    Start-up Delay: Specify a fixed time in seconds to delay the start-up. The delay will be executed after the PING check is one is specified
    Start-up Delay Max Uptime: Specify a maximum system uptime in seconds after which the delay will no longer be applied. Set to zero to always delay
    New section in Cumulus.ini:
    StartupPingHost= // Default is no remote host - enter a host name or IP address
    StartupDelaySecs=0 // Default is no delay = 0
    StartupDelayMaxUptime=300 // Default is 300 seconds (5 minutes)

  • New: FTP Now - Adds a new option to regenerate the daily graph data files (if enabled), and include them in the manually invoked FTP session

  • New: Adds support for OpenWeatherMap uploads (and catch-up). Using an existing station if the id is supplied, or your API key only has one station defined.
    If no stations are defined CMX automatically creates a new one using your station details and starts uploading to it.

Build 3098 - Version 3.9.3

19 Dec 15:04
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  • Fix: Records check was triggering for very small value changes in derived values such as feels like temps

  • Fix: Catch uncaught exception on SFTP disconnect

  • Fix: FTP was inconsistent in empty remote server folder handling for real-time and interval files

  • Fix: AirLink was not using the local vs WLL API data correctly

  • Fix: EU CAQI AQI index calculations (based on the City/Urban scale)

  • Fix: US EPA AQI calculation error of values between 51 and 100

  • Fix: Removes redundant alldailywdirdata.json file from daily uploads

  • Fix: Corrects incorrect/invalid JSON being created in the alldailytempdata.json file when the dayfile contains blank entry's for dew point

  • Fix: Attempted FTP uploads of files that do not exist caused the FTP session to become non-functional

  • Fix: The monthly data log file editor erroring with 404

  • New: You can now use "<airlinklogfile>" in the extra files local filename to copy/upload the latest AirLink data log file

  • New: You can now define your Indoor AirLink as the primary AQ sensor. Note this only applies to the admin interface, its data will not be
    uploaded to the default web site

  • New: Adds Cumulus MX update available alarm to the dashboard - enabled by default. This also has an associated web tag <#UpgradeAlarm>

  • New: If enabled, the daily graph data files are now created at start-up and uploaded at first interval FTP.
    Previously you had to wait for the first EOD rollover.

  • New: If a FineOffset station is not found, MX now dumps a list of all the USB devices it can see to the MXdiags log

Build 3097 - Version 3.9.2

07 Dec 12:09
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  • Fix: Change log messages for number of SQL rows affected to Debug only messages

  • Fix: AirLink web tags no longer error if the sensor is not enabled - all now return "--"

  • Fix: Australia NEPM AQIs to allow values greater than 101

  • Fix: Canada AQHI - still based on PM2.5 3 hour values only

  • Fix: Dutch and Belgian AQI calculations

  • Fix: Default web site temperature Trends graph yAxis issue

  • Fix: Broken logfile, extralogfile, and dayfile editors in b3096

  • Fix: Improve Instromet stations error handling of out of sequence responses

  • Fix: Extra files without the EOD flag were not being transferred during the EOD upload period (first after rollover)

  • Adds Notifications to Alarms
    Note: Cumulus notifications only work by default if you run the browser on the same machine as Cumulus and connect using the
    url: http://localhost:8998
    In order to get them working on a remote machine you will have to change an advanced flag in your browser.
    This is at your own risk as advanced flags are unsupported features in Chrome and Edge.
    In Chrome or Edge, open the url - "about:flags"
    Find the entry "Insecure origins treated as secure" and enable it
    The add the url you use to remotely access the Cumulus dashboard - eg.
    Then click the button to restart your browser. Notifications should now work.

  • Adds Latch times to Alarms. You can now specify a period in hours that an alarm will remain active after the event that tripped it has reset.

  • The default value for "DavisIncrementPressureDP" is changed from true to false
    ** The effect of this is that for Davis VP/VP2 stations, the default number of decimal places used for pressure values changes
    from 2 dp (hPa/mb) and 3 dp (kPa, inHg) to 1 dp (hPa/mb) and 2 dp (kPa, inHg)
    ** If you wish to retain the previous behaviour, then you MUST add the setting "DavisIncrementPressureDP=1" to your Cumulus.ini file

  • Wind Rose is now populated from data files at start-up (last 24 hours)

  • New graphs option to show/hide sunshine hours data

  • New admin interface historic graphs (and associated API)

  • New default web site page to show historic graphs

  • Adds Air Quality to Recent Graphs in Admin Interface and default web site - configure a primary AQ sensor in Station.Options

  • Adds Air Quality upload to WeatherUnderground. Enable in WeatherUnderGround settings, and configure a primary AQ sensor in Station.Options

  • Adds Air Quality upload to AWEKAS. Enable in AWEKAS settings, and configure a primary AQ sensor in Station.Options

  • Adds ability to define the number of decimal places used for various weather units via read-only settings in Cumulus.ini.
    The full list of existing and new values is:
    WindSpeedDecimals=1 // Existing entry
    WindSpeedAvgDecimals=1 // Existing entry
    WindRunDecimals=1 // NEW
    SunshineHrsDecimals=1 // Existing entry
    PressDecimals= // NEW [hPa/mb=1, inHg=2]
    RainDecimals= // NEW [mm=1, in=2]
    TempDecimals=1 // NEW
    UVDecimals=1 // NEW
    AirQualityDecimals=1 // NEW - affects AQI values only, not PM values

  • Lots of internal code fettling

  • New Cumulus.ini read-only entry to control the data read rate for Instromet stations. The value is in milliseconds, default is 500.

  • Admin interface tweaks

  • Change WUnderground Password field name to Station Key in settings

Build 3096 - Version 3.9.1

31 Oct 16:36
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  • Fix: AirLink - Limit the number of decimal places in the AirLink log file
  • Fix: AirLink - The web tags for 1hr average AQI values were picking up the latest reading value in error
  • Fix: Send rounded wind speed to Weather Underground/Windy/PWS/WoW if Cumulus "Round Wind Speeds" is set
  • Fix: Replaces a bad copy of trendsT.htm that crept into b3095
  • Fix: Bug in wind spike removal that prevented it working
  • Fix: Airlink caused premature day rollover processing during catch-up
  • Workaround for the Chromium browser CSS bug that adds scroll bars to the settings screens
  • Adds a new AirLink Sensors page to the admin interface
  • Adds Netherlands LKI, and Belgian BelAQI AQI scales [6=Netherlands=LKI, 7=Belgium-BelAQI] to AirLink devices
  • All AirLink AQI web tags now support the tc=y parameter, to properly truncate the AQI to an integer value
  • Adds the ability to "latch" all alarms for a user configured number of hours
  • Adds a new web tag <#CPUTemp> - only works on Linux, updates once a minute
  • Change of JSON library from Newtonsoft to ServiceStack.Text

Build 3095 - Version 3.9.0

09 Oct 13:33
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  • Fix: Running as a Windows service, now correctly reads command line parameters from the registry "ImagePath" field
  • Fix: Cumulus forecast would sometimes start with a comma
  • Fix: trendsT.htm location formatting
  • Adds support for the Davis AirLink air quality monitor.
    • Like the WLL it supports auto-discovery of the AirLink IP address, this can be disabled via config
    • A new Settings page has been created for "Extra sensors", this is where you can configure the AirLink.
    • Logs AirLink data to a new CSV data file "AirLinklog.txt" - see AirLinkFileHeader.txt for field information
    • Historic catch-up is supported if the main station is a Davis WLL and the AirLink has been added as node to this station
    • Historic catch-up for other stations will be a later release
    • Creates a new Cumulus.ini file section
      AQIformula=0 [0=US-EPA, 1=UK-COMEAP, 2=EU-AQI, 3=EU-CAQI, 4=Canada-AQHI, 5=Australia-NEMP]
    • Adds new web tags for Davis AirLink
      <#AirLinkFirmwareVersionIn>,<#AirLinkWifiRssiIn> - Requires Davis WeatherLink Live Pro subscription
      <#AirLinkFirmwareVersionOut>,<#AirLinkWifiRssiOut> - Requires Davis WeatherLink Live Pro subscription
  • The Blake-Larsen sunshine recorder, and Hydreon RG-11 rain device configuration options can now be set on the new Extra Sensors page.
    There are two new settings for RG-11 devices, if you use these devices you must set these via the configuration page as they will default to disabled.
  • Adds new graph option - Solar Visible. Setting both Solar and UV to hidden means the solar graph data files will be empty.
  • CumulusMX no longer re-writes the Cumulus.ini file on shutdown
  • Adds the option to set the retained flag for the MQTT feeds
    • New Cumulus.ini file settings

Build 3094 - Version 3.8.4

14 Sep 22:15
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  • Fix: Unhandled exception in MySQL during the start-up catch-up process
  • Fix: Graph buttons not wrapping on default web site trends page
  • Fix: Calculating the trend rain rate when a rainfall multiplier is used
  • Fix: Program Uptime when running under Mono and uptime > 24 days
  • Fix: When running as a Windows service, the service was stopped unintentionally on non-critical system power events
  • Fix: Davis VP receptions stats - ReceptionStats, FirmwareVersion and BaroRead functions rewritten
  • Adds Ecowitt GW1000 decoding of WH34 battery status
  • Adds Ecowitt GW1000 support for CO₂ sensor, no logging yet, but the decoding is there for when these sensors are released.
    • New web tags <#CO2>, <#CO2-24h>
  • Adds new Linux cumulusmx.service configuration file (thanks to freddie), this allows you run Cumulus MX as a service under Linux using the
    newer systemd control rather than the original init.d script supplied with v3.8.0
    • Edit the cumulusmx.service configuration file and change the path to match your Cumulus MX installation folder
    • Copy cumulusmx.service to your /etc/systemd/system/ folder
    • Cumulus can then be started and stopped with the following commands:

      systemctl start cumulusmx
      systemctl stop cumulusmx

    • Status and restart are available too:

      systemctl restart cumulusmx
      systemctl status cumulusmx

    • If you make a change to the unit file, you need to run the following command so that systemd re-reads your file:

      systemctl daemon-reload

    • To have Cumulus start on reboot, issue the following command:

      systemctl enable cumulusmx

    • Finally, to stop the service running on reboot, use the following:

      systemctl disable cumulusmx

  • Adds a new web tag <#ProgramUpTimeMs> that returns the Cumulus run time in milliseconds