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Multiplatform KAktor Library

What is it?

The purpose of this library is to offer a way to use the Actor system design, where each processing function can be described as an Actor which processes a sequence of messages. The library is built entirely using Kotlin Coroutines and Channels and is completely async.

How to create an actor

The only thing you need to do to use a basic Actor is to create a class that implements the Kaktor abstract class, type it with what messages it will receive and needs to be able to process and then implement the handleMessage method.


sealed interface Command
data class TestCommand(val y: String) : Command
data class TestAskCommand(val y: String) : Command
data object AskForPropertyCommand : Command
data class Answer(val answer: String)

class MockKaktor(private val property1: Int = mockActorDefaultValue) : Kaktor<Command>() {
    override suspend fun handleMessage(message: Command): Any {
        Logger.i { "I'm actor with reference $self and my property is $property1" }
        return when (message) {
            is TestAskCommand -> {
                val answer = "Got your answer to question ${message.y}"
            is TestCommand -> {
                println("I'm handling a TestCommand that doesn't return anything")
            is AskForPropertyCommand -> {
                println("Returning the property I was asked for")
            else -> Unit

How to send messages to Actor

After defining an actor, you need to register that actor in the system, by providing its class to the KaktorManager. That returns a reference to that actor, and you need to use to it send it messages. You can use the fire-and-forget method of tell or you can send a message with ask and wait for an answer. Since ask is a suspend function the code will automatically suspend while the answer hasn't been returned. The ask method will time out after 10s but that timeout value is customizable when calling the function. It's also possible to create multiple ActorRef for the same actor type by repeated calls to KaktorManager.createActor


val kaktorManager = KaktorManager()
val actorReference: ActorRef = kaktorManager.createActor(ActorRegisterInformation(actorClass = MockKaktor::class))

val tellCommand = TestCommand("message")
val askCommand = TestAskCommand("message")

actorReference.tell(testCommand) //This returns immediately
val response = actorReference.ask(askCommand) //returns an instance of Any that needs to be cast to the expected result
val responseTimedout = actorReference.ask(askCommand, 5000) //will time out after 5 seconds, returning null

Sharding of actors

Up until now, you would create a new ActorRef for every new actor type you would like to create to handle your messages. It was also possible to create multiple ActorRef for the same actor type by repeated calls to KaktorManager.createActor. However, there are situation where you want to register an actor class but then have the messages distributed by a specific attribute instead of all to the same Kaktor intance represented by the ActorRef. The Sharding functionalities removes the burden from your side of having to manage all the different instances of your Kaktors.

The process of creating the ActorRef is similar, but instead of passing a ActorRegisterInformation you use ShardActorRegisterInformation. The main difference is that the first attribute should be a shardBy function that the system will then use to decide to which Kaktor it should deliver the message.


Let's say we have a Kaktor that represents an account. This actor has a balance and it supports three different types of AccountCommand messages, one for adding balance, one for removing and one for retrieving. We also define a companion object with the sharding function that, given a message, should return the shard referece for that actor, in this case, we want a Kaktor for each accountId.

    sealed interface AccountCommand {
        val accountId: String

    data class AddBalance(override val accountId: String, val value: Long) : AccountCommand
    data class RemoveBalance(override val accountId: String, val value: Long) : AccountCommand
    data class RetrieveBalance(override val accountId: String) : AccountCommand

    class AccountActor : Kaktor<AccountCommand>() {
        private var balance: Long = 0

        override suspend fun handleMessage(message: AccountCommand): Any {
            return when(message) {
                is AddBalance -> balance += message.value
                is RemoveBalance -> balance -= message.value
                is RetrieveBalance -> balance
                else -> Unit

        companion object {
            fun shardByAccountId(message: AccountCommand): String {
                return message.accountId

When creating a Kaktor, we would then pass a ShardRegisterInformation instead of a regular ActorRegisterInformation. The main difference is that the first argument should be a reference to the sharding function of your actor. Afterward, you would interact with the ActorRef (which is now an instance of ShardReference) in the same way as before, taking into account that all messages that resolve to the same output of the shardBy functon will be received by the same actor.

val kaktorManager = KaktorManager()

val actorReference = kaktorManager.createActor(
    ShardActorRegisterInformation(shardBy = AccountActor::shardByAccountId, actorClass = AccountActor::class)

// Account Kaktors start with a balance of 0

// Kaktor for account with id 1 gets an increment of 10
val addBalanceAccount1 = AddBalance(accountId = "1", value = 10L)
// Kaktor for account with id 2 gets an increment of 2
val addBalanceAccount2 = AddBalance(accountId = "2", value = 2L)

//Notice that we use the same actorReference to send both messages

val retrieveBalanceAccount1 = RetrieveBalance(accountId = "1")
val retrieveBalanceAccount2 = RetrieveBalance(accountId = "2")

//And when we retrive each one's balance, we get the accturate results
val accountBalance2 = actorReference.ask(retrieveBalanceAccount2) 
val accountBalance1 = actorReference.ask(retrieveBalanceAccount1)

assertEquals(10L, accountBalance1 as Long)
assertEquals(2L, accountBalance2 as Long)

//Here we can see that an operation on Kaktor for account with id 1 
// does not interfere with the other one
val removeBalanceAccount1 = RemoveBalance(accountId = "1", value = 1L)

val refreshedAccountBalance1 = actorReference.ask(retrieveBalanceAccount1)
val refreshedAccountBalance2 = actorReference.ask(retrieveBalanceAccount2)

assertEquals(9L, refreshedAccountBalance1 as Long)
assertEquals(2L, refreshedAccountBalance2 as Long)

Stopping an Actor

If you send a special PoisonPill message to any actor, they will stop processing.


Actor Pattern In Kotlin Coroutines







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