A small project to learn react native, and to be used in homebrewing. Currently only working on the iOS version, haven't even tried it out in android. It also looks like shit, I literally did this in something like 30 minutes.
To run this on your local machine you'll need to have the following installed:
- OS X - This guide assumes OS X which is needed for iOS development.
- Homebrew is the recommended way to install Watchman and Flow.
- Install Node.js 4.0 or newer.
brew install watchman
npm install -g react-native-cli
- You'll need xCode 7.0 or higher with an emulator (for ios atleast)
To run the iOS app:
cd HomebrewTools
npm install
- Open ios/AwesomeProject.xcodeproj and hit run in Xcode.
- Open index.ios.js in your text editor of choice and edit some lines.
- Hit ⌘-R in your iOS simulator to reload the app and see your change!