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Jack Compiler Frontend

Jack is a Java-like object-based simple programing language

  • jackc transfer a XXX.jack program to a file, a file and a file.
  • The file show output of the jack tokenizer.
  • The file show output of the jack parser.
  • The file is a simple stack-based VM language. The VM code will be translated to assembly code with Jack Compiler Backend vmtranslator


$ jackc Main.jack

Souce code


class Main {
   function void main() {
      var Array a; 
      var int length;
      var int i, sum;

      let length = Keyboard.readInt("How many numbers? ");
      let a =; // constructs the array
      let i = 0;
      while (i < length) {
         let a[i] = Keyboard.readInt("Enter a number: ");
         let sum = sum + a[i];
         let i = i + 1;

      do Output.printString("The average is ");
      do Output.printInt(sum / length);

VM code

function Main.main 4
push constant 18
call 1
push constant 72
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 111
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 119
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 109
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 97
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 110
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 121
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 110
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 117
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 109
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 98
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 101
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 114
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 115
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 63
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
call Keyboard.readInt 1
pop local 1
push local 1
call 1
pop local 0
push constant 0
pop local 2
label while_start_1
push local 2
push local 1
if-goto while_end_1
push local 0
push local 2
push constant 16
call 1
push constant 69
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 110
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 116
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 101
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 114
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 97
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 110
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 117
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 109
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 98
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 101
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 114
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 58
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
call Keyboard.readInt 1
pop temp 0
pop pointer 1
push temp 0
pop that 0
push local 3
push local 0
push local 2
pop pointer 1
push that 0
pop local 3
push local 2
push constant 1
pop local 2
goto while_start_1
label while_end_1
push constant 15
call 1
push constant 84
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 104
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 101
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 97
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 118
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 101
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 114
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 97
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 103
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 101
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 105
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 115
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
call Output.printString 1
push local 3
push local 1
call Math.divide 2
call Output.printInt 1
push constant 0


    <stringConstant>How many numbers? </stringConstant>
    <stringConstant>Enter a number: </stringConstant>
    <stringConstant>The average is </stringConstant>


    <identifier>Main<info>(name: Main, kind: None, type: None, index: None, usage: delcare
        <identifier>main<info>(name: main, kind: None, type: None, index: None, usage: delcare
            subroutineName in class, return type(void))</info></identifier>
                <identifier>Array<info>(name: Array, kind: None, type: None, index: None, usage: use
                    as a user define type)</info></identifier>
                <identifier>a<info>(name: a, kind: Some(Var), type: Some("Array"), index: Some(0),
                    usage: delcare varName in subroutine)</info></identifier>
                <identifier>length<info>(name: length, kind: Some(Var), type: Some("int"), index:
                    Some(1), usage: delcare varName in subroutine)</info></identifier>
                <identifier>i<info>(name: i, kind: Some(Var), type: Some("int"), index: Some(2),
                    usage: delcare varName in subroutine)</info></identifier>
                <identifier>sum<info>(name: sum, kind: Some(Var), type: Some("int"), index: Some(3),
                    usage: delcare varName in subroutine)</info></identifier>
                    <identifier>length<info>(name: length, kind: Some(Var), type: Some("int"),
                        index: Some(1), usage: use in let statement)</info></identifier>
                            <identifier>Keyboard<info>(name: Keyboard, kind: None, type: None,
                                index: None, usage: use in term varName|className|subroutineName)</info></identifier>
                            <identifier>readInt<info>(name: readInt, kind: None, type: None, index:
                                None, usage: use in xxx.subroutineName)</info></identifier>
                                        <stringConstant>How many numbers? </stringConstant>
                    <identifier>a<info>(name: a, kind: Some(Var), type: Some("Array"), index:
                        Some(0), usage: use in let statement)</info></identifier>
                            <identifier>Array<info>(name: Array, kind: None, type: None, index:
                                None, usage: use in term varName|className|subroutineName)</info></identifier>
                            <identifier>new<info>(name: new, kind: None, type: None, index: None,
                                usage: use in xxx.subroutineName)</info></identifier>
                                        <identifier>length<info>(name: length, kind: Some(Var),
                                            type: Some("int"), index: Some(1), usage: use in term
                    <identifier>i<info>(name: i, kind: Some(Var), type: Some("int"), index: Some(2),
                        usage: use in let statement)</info></identifier>
                            <identifier>i<info>(name: i, kind: Some(Var), type: Some("int"), index:
                                Some(2), usage: use in term varName|className|subroutineName)</info></identifier>
                                <identifier>length<info>(name: length, kind: Some(Var), type:
                                    Some("int"), index: Some(1), usage: use in term
                            <identifier>a<info>(name: a, kind: Some(Var), type: Some("Array"),
                                index: Some(0), usage: use in let statement)</info></identifier>
                                    <identifier>i<info>(name: i, kind: Some(Var), type: Some("int"),
                                        index: Some(2), usage: use in term
                                    <identifier>Keyboard<info>(name: Keyboard, kind: None, type:
                                        None, index: None, usage: use in term
                                    <identifier>readInt<info>(name: readInt, kind: None, type: None,
                                        index: None, usage: use in xxx.subroutineName)</info></identifier>
                                                <stringConstant>Enter a number: </stringConstant>
                            <identifier>sum<info>(name: sum, kind: Some(Var), type: Some("int"),
                                index: Some(3), usage: use in let statement)</info></identifier>
                                    <identifier>sum<info>(name: sum, kind: Some(Var), type:
                                        Some("int"), index: Some(3), usage: use in term
                                        <identifier>a<info>(name: a, kind: Some(Var), type:
                                            Some("Array"), index: Some(0), usage: use in term
                                                <identifier>i<info>(name: i, kind: Some(Var), type:
                                                    Some("int"), index: Some(2), usage: use in term
                            <identifier>i<info>(name: i, kind: Some(Var), type: Some("int"), index:
                                Some(2), usage: use in let statement)</info></identifier>
                                    <identifier>i<info>(name: i, kind: Some(Var), type: Some("int"),
                                        index: Some(2), usage: use in term
                    <identifier>Output<info>(name: Output, kind: None, type: None, index: None,
                        usage: use as subroutineName or (className | varName) in a subroutine call)</info></identifier>
                    <identifier>printString<info>(name: printString, kind: None, type: None, index:
                        None, usage: use as a xxx.subroutineName in a subroutine call)</info></identifier>
                                <stringConstant>The average is </stringConstant>
                    <identifier>Output<info>(name: Output, kind: None, type: None, index: None,
                        usage: use as subroutineName or (className | varName) in a subroutine call)</info></identifier>
                    <identifier>printInt<info>(name: printInt, kind: None, type: None, index: None,
                        usage: use as a xxx.subroutineName in a subroutine call)</info></identifier>
                                <identifier>sum<info>(name: sum, kind: Some(Var), type: Some("int"),
                                    index: Some(3), usage: use in term
                                    <identifier>length<info>(name: length, kind: Some(Var), type:
                                        Some("int"), index: Some(1), usage: use in term


Jack Compiler Frontend






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