Welcome to the "Python Introduction" course repository! This course is designed to help beginners learn Python programming from scratch. It covers a wide range of topics organized into different folders, each focusing on a specific area of Python.
Here's an overview of the topics covered in each folder:
- Introduction to Python
- Installing Python and setting up the environment
- Running your first Python program
- Basic data types: integers, floats, strings, and booleans
- Variables, Operators and Keywords
- Type conversion
- Lists
- Tuples
- Sets
- Dictionaries
- Conditional statements: if, elif, else
- Loops: for and while
- Loop control: break, continue, and pass
- Loops: for and while
- Loop control: break, continue, and pass
- Defining and calling functions
- Function arguments and return values
- Variable scope and lifetime
- Reading and writing files
- Working with file paths
- File operations: copy, move, delete
- Handling exceptions with try, except, finally
- Raising exceptions
- Creating custom exceptions
- Importing modules
- Creating and using packages
- The Python Standard Library
- Custom Libraries, Boto3, mysql
10_API with Python:
- What is API
- API use cases in real life
- Consuming API with Python
- 10_Database with Python:
- DB usecases
- RDS MySQL DB Setup
- MYSQL workbench usage
- Performing DB operations with Python
- 12_Boto3 and Serverless:
- Introduction to Boto3
- Performing various Boto3 tasks to learn boto3 resource, client
- Understanding serverless
- Creating & Publishing serverless REST API
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Install Python (if not already installed).
- Navigate to each folder and explore the examples and exercises provided.
- Practice by completing the exercises and building your own projects.
Happy Learning!