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baseLess: minION sequence detection, no basecalling required

BaseLess reduces your MinION sequencing device to a simple species detector. As a trade-off, it runs on inexpensive computational hardware like single-board computers. The neural network it uses is a composite of many smaller networks, each detecting a different k-mer, thus reconfiguration of baseLess to detect a different sequence amounts to combining different smaller networks.


Install baseLess from conda, with the much faster mamba drop-in replacement if you have it:

mamba install -c bioconda -c conda-forge -c cvdelannoy baseless

Otherwise just replace mamba by conda.

Before compiling your first model, you can choose to download pre-generated k-mer models into the default directory of the package (current size <1MB):

baseLess update_16s_db


Abundance mode

BaseLess determines whether the reads originate from a given target genome or not, by comparing the abundance of k-mers it finds to the abundance of k-mers in the genomes.

  • For pure samples
  • Works with larger genomes
  • Useful for differentiating visually similar species or strains

To generate a model:

baseLess compile_model \
  --model-type abundance \
  --target-fasta target.fasta \                                # fasta containing target genome
  --background-fastas background1.fasta backgroud2.fasta ... \ # genomes of other species
  --nn-directory directory/of/nns \                            # directory containing NNs
  --out-model your_model_name.h5

If you have reads of species close to your target species, you can use these as training reads and increase the probability of finding salient k-mers in your training data significantly. In that case, run:

baseLess compile_model \
  --model-type abundance \
  --target-fasta target.fasta \                                # fasta containing target genome
  --background-fastas background1.fasta backgroud2.fasta ... \ # genomes of other species
  --nn-directory directory/of/nns \                            # directory containing NNs
  --out-model your_model_name.h5  \
  --training-reads training/reads/directory \
  --cores 8 \                                                  # more CPUs == faster

k-mer models will be generated as needed, so this will take longer to run (typically <1 hour). Reads will need to be corrected prior to usage for training, see below.

Read detection mode

BaseLess looks for all k-mers in each read. If a read contains a minimum fraction of total k-mers (>66%, by default), it is considered to originate from the target species. Though not necessarily restricted to any sequence, this has been tested for and attuned to 16S sequence at the moment.

  • For amplified/metagenomic samples
  • Useful for microbial species detection

To generate a model:

baseLess compile_model \
  --model-type read_detection \
  --target-fasta target.fasta \                                # fasta containing one or more 16S sequences
  --out-model your_model_name.h5


To run inference simultaneously with the MinION, change configuration so that one read per fast5 is returned, and point baseLess to the fast5 output directory of your reads:

baseLess run_inference \
    --fast5-in directory/of/fast5s \ 
    --out-dir your/output/directory \
    --model your_model_name.h5 \
    --inference-mode once
  • In read detection mode, baseLess will only retain fast5s that contain your target. In abundance mode, no reads will be retained.
  • baseLess will run indefinitely, until stopped manually (ctrl-c).
  • To run on a directory of reads and stop when all reads are analysed, provide --inference-mode once. If you do not want the reads to be removed, add --copy-reads.

Generating k-mer detection networks

baseLess comes with a pre-generated set of k-mer detection networks, for k-mers that should be particularly salient in the context of 16S detection. We plan to further expand the number of available k-mer networks, however if you have a large read set of a known species, a good reference genome, and you want to generate k-mer networks yourself, you can do so as follows.

Basecall your reads with guppy if you haven't yet. If reads were output as multi-fast5, split them using from the ont-fast5-api package:

single_to_multi_fast5 -i multi/fast5/input/folder -s single/fast5/output/folder

Correct your reads with tombo:

tombo resquiggle single/fast5/output/folder reference_genome.fasta

Use these reads as input for baseLess:

baseLess run_production_pipeline \
  --training-reads path/to/training/reads \
  --test-reads path/to/test/reads \
  --out-dir path/to/networks/directory \
  --cores 8 \                                # more CPUs == faster
  --kmer-list                                # txt list, 1 line per k-mer

Minimal hardware

Running on Nvidia Jetson Nano (2GB)

The Nvidia Jetson Nano is a single-board computer with dedicated GPU. BaseLess is designed to be light enough to run on such low-powered hardware.

Before first usage open a terminal in the baseless directory and build the image:

docker build -f Dockerfile_jetson -t baseless .

open the docker container interactively:

docker run -it --rm --runtime nvidia --network host baseless

Add any directories you may want to read/write by adding -v /local/dir:/home/some_dir_name

You can now start running inference!

Some tips to make the most of your limited memory:

  • As the Jetson Nano has little memory to spare (2GB or 4GB, depending on your model), you may need to limit memory of docker and of baseLess separately. We found that the 2GB model still runs well with baseLess limited at 256MB (--mem 256) and the docker container at 512MB (-m 512m).
  • If you limit docker memory, you can safely switch off the docker out-of-memory killer (--oom-kill-disable).
  • Switch off the GUI -- sudo systemctl stop lxdm or sudo sysctl disable lxdm to prevent the GUI starting at startup.
  • You can also follow Zafer Arican's advice and switch to lubuntu.
  • Future versions of baseLess will avoid the docker container all together for even less overhead.


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