git clone
cd host_scan
go build host_scan.go
go install .
hostscan -i ip.txt -d host.txt
It will be skipped If the line starts with #
or //
in ip.txt/host.txt
Before use host_can, recommend sort -u ip.txt -o ip_uniq.txt
Usage of hostscan:
-d string
Host/Domain list file (required)
-fc string
Filter by comma separated of status code (example '403,404')
-fl string
Filter by comma separated of content-length (example '133,14213')
-fs string
Filter by string in response, support for regex (example '(?i)(nginx|table)')
-i string
IP list file (required)
-output string
Output file
-paths string
Comma separated paths (example '/api/v1,/api/v2') (default "/")
Follow redirects
-suffix string
Append a suffix to each line of the host list
-threads int
Threads/Goroutine number (default 50)
-timeout int
Request timeout (default 8)
-ua string
User-Agent string (default "Mozilla/5.0(Linux;U;Android2.3.6;zh-cn;GT-S5660Build/GINGERBREAD)AppleWebKit/533.1(KHTML,likeGecko)Version/4.0MobileSafari/533.1MicroMessenger/4.5.255")
CIDR support 结果去重