A program for generating a tantivy index from a Wikidata dump.
Clone the repository and run the following command to install the package inside of a virtual environment:
poetry install
requires only the compressed (.gz
) Wikidata truthy dump in the N-Triples format as input. You can download it with the following command:
wget https://dumps.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/entities/latest-truthy.nt.gz
uses spaCy to lemmatize the aliases. This means you need to download the appropriate model you wish to use first.
For example:
poetry run python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
After downloading the dump and the model, you can generate the tantivy index with the following command:
pigz -dc latest-truthy.nt.gz | \
poetry run wd2tantivy --language "${LANGUAGE}" \
--spacy-model "${SPACY_MODEL}" \
--output "${OUTPUT_DIR}"
is a BCP-47 language code.
The tantivy index will be written into ${OUTPUT_DIR}
Each document in the index contains 3 stored and indexed fields:
)- preferred
(NFC normalized, UTF-8 encodedtext
) alias
(lemmatized, NFC normalized, UTF-8 encodedtext
); this field can have multiple values
uses as many threads as there are logical CPU cores. On a dump from March 2023, containing ~100,000,000 nodes, it takes ~5 hours to complete for English with peak memory usage of ~70GB on an AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X CPU and an SSD.