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╚██╔╝ ██╔══██║██║███╗██║ 'Yet Another Windows 3.1' v0.1
██║ ██║ ██║╚███╔███╔╝ (c) Inkblot Art Academy
╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚══╝╚══╝ (dimpurr, volgorabgle, cyanlink)
this is a read me of shell-practice
- software
- tmux
- vim
- emacs
- ncdu
- env
- python
- go
- UI
- tmux
- ncurses
- Components
- neofetch (hello)
- ncdu (file)
- curls (weather)
- emacs (game)
- cmus + musicbox + cava (music)
wego -frontend emoji -l 39.961,116.350 -forecast-api-key 0656b207df72ebf3ed8f597c258ed731 -d 2
cd /Users/dimpurr/Workflow/00Programing/Shell/shell-practice
ln -sf /Users/dimpurr/Workflow/00Programing/Shell/shell-practice/_tmux.conf /Users/dimpurr/.tmux.conf
前缀按键: Ctrl + A
退出整个 TMUX&
退出当前 Windowq
退出当前 Panes
new-session [-AdDEP] [-c start-directory] [-F format] [-n window-name] [-s session-name] [-t group-name] [-x width] [-y height] [shell-command]
(alias: new)
C-b ? 显示快捷键帮助
C-b C-o 调换窗口位置,类似与vim 里的C-w
C-b 空格键 采用下一个内置布局
C-b ! 把当前窗口变为新窗口
C-b " 模向分隔窗口
C-b % 纵向分隔窗口
C-b q 显示分隔窗口的编号
C-b o 跳到下一个分隔窗口
C-b 上下键 上一个及下一个分隔窗口
C-b C-方向键 调整分隔窗口大小
C-b c 创建新窗口
C-b 0~9 选择几号窗口
C-b c 创建新窗口
C-b n 选择下一个窗口
C-b l 切换到最后使用的窗口
C-b p 选择前一个窗口
C-b w 以菜单方式显示及选择窗口
C-b t 显示时钟
C-b ; 切换到最后一个使用的面板
C-b x 关闭面板
C-b & 关闭窗口
C-b s 以菜单方式显示和选择会话
C-b d 退出tumx,并保存当前会话,这时,tmux仍在后台运行,可以通过tmux attach进入 到指定的会话
An accounting system accessed from command-line. Creat a file end with '.dat' , use ledger to operte.
command: ledger -f filename.dat balance ledger -f filename.dat register tags
.dat file reference:
2018/5/17 Volgo
ref: https://www.ledger-cli.org/
A todo-list system accessed from command-line. Yet not find how does it works, but it doesn't matter.
ref: https://taskwarrior.org/docs/commands/ ref: https://taskwarrior.org/download/
commmad useful: [start with 'task'] add Add a new task annotate Add annotate to a task count Count total number of all task [use "status:pending count" to count current task done Finish a task list List the task list start Mark a task is being dealt stop Stop the Mark