CHN256234 - Programming request from a customer for a new project for bridgingIT GmbH.
see also: Coding Task
This small example in golang will process integer intervals. This intervals needs to be in a json format as described below.
The input needs to be in a json format, consists of an array representation in depth of 2. The main array collect the different intervals:
Every interval is also an array of 2 integer values. The lower- and the upper-end of the interval:
[<lower>, <upper>]
or without spaces and newline characters:
c:\go\bin\go.exe build -a -installsuffix cgo -o interval_merger.exe .\src\interval_merger
interval_merger.exe -h
Usage of interval_merger.exe:
-file string
The json file that contains the intervals
-i string
A json string that contains the intervals
interval_merger.exe -i "[[25,30],[2,19],[14,23],[4,8]]"
You will have a Dockerfile
inside this repo to build a docker image out of the golang source.
git clone
docker build -t interval_merger:latest ./CHN256234/
After building the image, you can run the image example:
docker run --rm interval_merger -i "[[25,30],[2,19],[14,23],[4,8]]"
A ready to use docker image can be pulled from Docker Hub:
docker run --rm oitc/chn256234:latest -i "[[25,30],[2,19],[14,23],[4,8]]"
Inside this repo, there is also an Azure DevOps CI/CD build pipeline definition: azure-pipelines.yml
This can also be used to build the docker container and automatically push to a docker repository.
- Raw coding time of this solution: ~4h
- Resilience:
- Map input parameters to a struct, invalid values will be ignored
- Large input parameters over command line will not be processed due to bash input limitations
- Large input via input file: due to the static linked, compiled and small solution, large files up to 1 mio intervals can be processed without any issues
- Runtime metrics:
- Azure VM parameters:
- Region: West Europe
- Image: Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS - Gen 1
- Size: Standard_D4as_v4 - 4 vcpus, 16 GiB memory
- OS disk type: Premium SSD
- runtime measurement with the build-in Linux command:
- memory consumption measurement with the Linux tool:
- Data in subfolder:
- Azure VM parameters:
intervals | runtime | memory consumption (max rss in kbytes) |
5 | 0m0.002s | 7.820 |
50 | 0m0.002s | 5.904 |
100 | 0m0.002s | 5.800 |
500 | 0m0.003s | 5.836 |
1.000 | 0m0.003s | 9.896 |
5.000 | 0m0.008s | 7.956 |
10.000 | 0m0.014s | 12.296 |
50.000 | 0m0.065s | 17.220 |
100.000 | 0m0.131s | 27.176 |
500.000 | 0m0.651s | 90.724 |
1.000.000 | 0m1.297s | 204.096 |
- Christian Will, implemented in C#: