Stitch OpenStreetMap tiles and generate very large regions of maps for high quality printouts or use with other mapping software.
Both graphics magick and imagemagick are needed.
apt-get install graphicsmagick imagemagick libgraphicsmagick++1-dev libboost-python-dev
The 'identify' utility of the imagemagick library is much much faster, but graphicsmagick library's montage and crop operations that are used by this script, are much faster. That's why I use both libraries. Moreover, graphicsmagick jpg stitching results in half sized tiles. This must be a bug, but I haven't bothered looking deeper into it. Whenever the script stitches large tiles from jpg sources, imagemagick is used instead.
When I find time to do this, I will probably write some examples here on how to use this script. For the moment, use the --help option.
./ --help