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Assimp compilation

Olivier Michel edited this page May 25, 2022 · 21 revisions

This page explains how to recompile the Assimp dependency on every platforms. Assimp is used internally in Webots to import mesh assets.


On Windows, assimp is provided as a MSYS2 pacman package and is automatically installed when installing the msys dependencies.

Linux & Mac

Compilation of the latest Assimp version

git clone
cd assimp
git checkout v5.2.3
mkdir build
cd build
cmake \
-S .. -B .


make -j12

On macOS you will need to add to cmake:

-DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=/Applications/ \

Create the package

tar -cvjSf assimp.tar.bz2 assimp/include/assimp assimp/build/include/assimp/config.h assimp/build/code/*dylib assimp/build/code/*so


If the compilation fails due to zlib, the following patch might be necessary. Return to assimp's root folder and run:

patch -ulbf code/Common/ZipArchiveIOSystem.cpp << EOF
@@ -198,3 +198,5 @@
     mapping.zopen_file = (open_file_func)open;
+#ifdef ZOPENDISK64
     mapping.zopendisk_file = (opendisk_file_func)opendisk;
     mapping.zread_file = (read_file_func)read;

Then follow the above procedure once more.


When upgrading the version of assimp, it is also important to recompile assimpjs.

This can be done by following this procedure:

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