Closed issues:
- Mass testing of cyberd-testnet 0.1.1 #219
- Export 0.1.1 genesis from 0.1.0 testnet. #215
- Setup 0.1.1 chain params for staking, distr, slashing, mint modules. #201
- Fix typos #207
- Update landing for 0.4 whitepaper #204
- Update to tendermint v29.0 #187
- Change Bandwidth Price to Average for 24h Sliding Window #179
- High bandwidth cost for create validator msg #178
- Bandwidth Specification Change #177
- Add rpc endpoint to submit signed link and send messages #173
- Tx size reduction: switch to more compact links tx encoding. #171
- index entities count endpoint #165
- Add ipfs hashes to release #161
- Change token name from CBD to CYB in the testnetwork #157
- Add more issues templates. #153
- Add trust-node by default in cli #151
- Numerous small fixes in whitepaper #89
- Cyberd landing make up #36
- Whitepaper 0.4 #25
Fixed bugs:
- Error on replay with wrong app hash calculation (block #914381) #197
- Link msg bandwidth cost doesn't take into account links count #216
- Fix validator manual #189
- Change mint module to default cosmos module #181
- Current Bandwidth do not respect price #168
- negative bandwidnt #164
- Wrong CYB allocation in Genesis #156
- Update docker with 0.1.0 version #154
- Move import_private command to keys subcomand #152
- Handle import of ethereum privkeys with 0x #150
Merged pull requests:
- Euler 0.1.1 #223 (arturalbov)
- Fix import reader #222 (arturalbov)
- Landing update #220 (asadovka)
- DISCUSS: Chain params for 0.1.1 network #202 (hleb-albau)
- #215 Fix pou distribution uses share not percentage #221 (hleb-albau)
- #215 Fix gentx commands. #218 (hleb-albau)
- CI: testnet ipfs files hashes #217 (arturalbov)
- WIP: CI Cyberd docker image building. Include genesis file #214 (arturalbov)
- #197 Error on replay with wrong app hash calculation #213 (hleb-albau)
- Links exporter #210 (arturalbov)
- R4R #181 Constant Block Reward #209 (hleb-albau)
- 157 change token protocol name #208 (hleb-albau)
- Fix typos #206 (serejandmyself)
- R4R: #156 Add Missing euler tokens cmd #200 (hleb-albau)
- Update to cosmos-sdk v0.30.0 #198 (hleb-albau)
- Tx size reduction: switch to more compact links tx encoding #192 (arturalbov)
- Fix rank calculation context data #191 (hleb-albau)
- Important fixes in validators manual #190 (xhipster)
- Change Bandwidth Price to Average for 24h Sliding Window #188 (arturalbov)
- R4R Update cosmos to latest develop #186 (hleb-albau)
- #153 Add more issues templates. #183 (hleb-albau)
- #178 #168 Bandwidth price + Msg cost for non link txes #182 (hleb-albau)
- #173 Add rpc endpoint to submit signed link and send messages #174 (hleb-albau)
- Technical notes on euler release #169 (xhipster)
- Handle import of ethereum privkeys with 0x. Trust node by default #167 (arturalbov)
- #164 fix rpc negative bw #165 add index entities count endpoint #166 (hleb-albau)
- Move import_private command to keys subcomand #159 (arturalbov)