TCP Network Port Scanner written in Go, nmap style.
package main
// imports fmt lib and portscanner lib.
import "fmt"
import ""
// Main function.
func main() {
// ports is an slice of strings corresponding to ports we want
// to scan.
ports := []string{"21", "22", "80"}
// ip_t is a slice of strings containing an IP address.
ip_t := []string{""}
// open_ports has the results from PortScanner.
open_ports := portscanner.PortScanner(ip, ports)
package main
// imports fmt lib and portscanner lib.
import ""
// Main function.
func main() {
// ports is a slice of ports to test.
ports := []string{"80"}
// IP sequence is defined by a '-' between first and last IP address .
ips_sequence := []string{""}
// results returns a map with open ports for each IP address.
results := portscanner.IPScanner(ips_list, ports, true)
// Once IPScanner has true for print_results, lib will present
// results in CL with a nice presentation.
go install
git clone portscanner
cd portscanner
go build cmd/portscanner/portscanner.go
Different ways to use Go-Portscanner.
portscanner -h
Usage of portscanner:
-A Scans all ports from port 1 to 1024
-p Port or ports to scan (default "80")
Shows the output above, presenting the available options.
$ portscanner
Scans all local machine ports, from 1 to 1024.
$ portscanner -p 1-65535
Scan all TCP ports from a network machine.
$ portscanner -p 21,80
Looks for HTTP and FTP servers on
$ portscanner -p 22
Checks if SSH servers are up.
- Improve performance.
- Improve presentation.
- Read IP:Port pair from file.
- Tests
- Docker