Cyber Bot is the AI based chat bot that works on NLP (Natural Language Processing), that means an effective way for user to communicate to system without interference of any human being that ultimately results in flawless and quick performance.
DeepPavlov (works on top of tensorflow)
1) Install Python (preferrably version 3.6.8)
2) Download package to create Virtual Environment
cmd -- pip install virtualenv
3) Create virtual environment
Create a New Folder and in Command Prompt change the directory to that folder
cmd -- virtualenv env
4) Activate virtual environment
cmd -- .\env\Scripts\activate
5) Install necessary packages
cmd -- pip install deeppavlov (it will also install numpy, pandas and many more packages)
cmd -- pip install tensorflow==1.14
6) Download the model (Approx size = 2.2 GB)
cmd -- python
python -- from deeppavlov import build_model, configs
python -- model = build_model(configs.squad.squad, download=True)
7) Once the model is downloaded, test the model
python -- model(["James is a basketball player."],["Who is James"])
8) Exiting the python environment
python -- exit()
9) Reference it using a Rest Service
-- Activate the environment (if not)
cmd -- python -m deeppavlov riseapi PATH_TO_THE_FOLDER_YOU_CREATED\env\Lib\site-packages\deeppavlov\configs\squad\squad.json -d -p 9999
API will be hosted to localhost:9999. You can access it using "localhost:9999/docs".
We can make this API public using ngrok.
Aashish Issar
Akshat Agarwal
Deepak Pahuja
Jai Patel
Rahul Srivastava
Vatsala Tandon