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Cyberpay provides you with the most convenient and fastest process of making and collecting payments from your customers all over the world

About the SDK

The mobile SDK will serve as an easy to use library to quickly integrate Cyberpay to your mobile application.

The will serve as a wrapper on the existing Cyberpay web services and create a mobile entry point for making both Card and Bank transactions.

The SDK will provide custom views/layouts for checkout, pin, otp, sucured3d as well as handles all business logics taking the bulk of the job and exposing just three call backs representing the status of the transaction.

The SDK introduces a nice error wrapper class on the primary network component, introducing a painless and detailed error messages.

The SDK is designed and written in Kotlin, using the singleton pattern so only one instance is available throughout the life of the application.

Tools Used


Android studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android development, built on JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA software and designed specifically for android development



Network calls is the heart of most functional mobile applications, this is no different. Here we used Retrofit

Retrofit is a REST client for Java and Android. It makes it easy to send and retrieve JSON or any structured data via a web-based services.


Reactive programming is a software development model structured around asynchronous data streams or sequence.

ReactiveX (Reactive eXtensions) is a combination of the best ideas from the Observer pattern, the iterator pattern and functional programming.

Here RxJava and RxKotlin are used in combination with Retrofit to make asynchronous network calls

Unit Testing

Unit testing is the fundamentally carried out to determine the functionality of the smallest possible unit of code

JUnit is the recommended unit testing framework for Java/Android

Getting Started

Integrate payment in less than a minute with ONE line of code as seen below.


	CyberpaySdk.checkoutTransaction(this, transaction, object : TransactionCallback() { ... })


 	CyberpaySdk.INSTANCE.checkoutTransaction(MainActivity.this, transaction, new TransactionCallback() { ... });

The Android SDK allows you to integrate with the cyberpay payment gateway seamlessly with just a few STEPS. The SDK contains Custom Views, and helps in quick integrating a checkout page faster than the blink of your eye.


  • The SDK provides custom native UI elements to get you started easily without having to design the elements yourself.
  • Single implementation across
client-only client-and-server
Custom built checkout page. Create a custom payment page with your business logo and name.
Dynamic checkout amounts. Dynamically define product amounts rather than relying on predefined SKUs.
Capture payments later. Optionally split the capture and authorization steps to place a hold on the card and charge later.

Client-only flowchart


The Cyberpay Android SDK is compatible with Android Apps supported from Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean).

Getting Started

Install and Configure the SDK

  1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
	allprojects {
	   repositories {
		   maven { url '' }
  1. Add the dependency

	dependencies {
	   implementation 'com.github.cyberspace-ltd:cyberpay-androidx:0.3.0'

Configure your Cyberpay integration in your Application Class

Step 1: Configure API Keys After installation of the Cyberpay SDK, configure it with your API Integration Key gotten from your merchant dashboard, for test and production


public class App extends Application{
    public void onCreate() {

	    //Test Environment
	    CyberpaySdk.INSTANCE.initialiseSdk("TEST INTEGRATION KEY", Mode.Debug);
	    //Live Environment
	    //CyberpaySdk.INSTANCE.initialiseSdk("LIVE INTEGRATION KEY", Mode.Live)
	    // Optional set your company logo to overrride default Cyberpay Logo
		CyberpaySdk.merchantLogo = resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.debit_card)



class App : Application() {

    override fun onCreate() {
	//Test Environment
	CyberpaySdk.initialiseSdk("TEST INTEGRATION KEY", Mode.Debug)
	//Live Environment
	//CyberpaySdk.initialiseSdk("LIVE INTEGRATION KEY", Mode.Live)
	// Optional set your company logo to overrride default Cyberpay Logo
	CyberpaySdk.merchantLogo = resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.debit_card)

#######--------- ######---------------------------

Test Card :

GTB: 5399830000000008,expiry date:0530, CVV:000, OTP:123456

Test Bank Account

Bank Account(First Bank): Account No:1234567890, OTP: 123456

Making Payments

There are Three (3) Approaches to Integrate Cyberpay SDK

1) Easy Approach: Simple Checkout Page(No need to implement Custom UI)

This creates a prebuilt checkout page with just a few lines of code This allows the user implement payment without having to worry about the boiler plate of implenmentation We have abstracted the Card details input and validation for you.

First you need to set Transaction Object, set amount and customer Email Address

Set your Transaction Object


	 Transaction trans = new Transaction();
	 `Note Amount is in Kobo so you should multiply by 100` 
	 trans.setMerchantReference("YOUR REFERENCE"); // optional. auto generated if not provided


 	 var trans = Transaction()
	 `Note Amount is in Kobo so you should multiply by 100` 
	 trans.amount = 1000000.0
	 trans.merchantReference = "YOUR REFERENCE"// optional. auto generated if not provided
	 trans.customerEmail = ""

Initiate Transaction


	CyberpaySdk.INSTANCE.checkoutTransaction(this, trans, new TransactionCallback() {
	public void onSuccess(transaction: Transaction) {

	public void onError(transaction: Transaction, throwable: Throwable) {


	public void onValidate(transaction: Transaction) {



CyberpaySdk.checkoutTransaction(this, trans, object : TransactionCallback() {
        override fun onSuccess(transaction: Transaction) {
            //transaction is succesfull

        override fun onError(transaction: Transaction, throwable: Throwable) {
            //transaction error occured

        override fun onValidate(transaction: Transaction) {



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Cyberpay payment page & One Time Payment passcode modes for mastercard payment


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2) Long Approach: Your Custom implementation

If you want to have full control of the implementatuin while mentaining the same look and feel across your screens, we got you covered and you can implement the same way with just a few lines of code. However, you will have to implement the progressbar and your textfield to get the card details from your users.

Initialize your Card Object


	Card card = new Card();
	card.number = "5399 8300 0000 0008";
    	card.expiryMonth = 5; 
    	card.expiryYear = 30; 
    	card.cvv = "000";


    val card = Card()
    card.number = "5399 8300 0000 0008"
    card.expiryMonth = 5 
    card.expiryYear = 30 
    card.cvv = "000"

Initialize your Transaction Object


	Transaction trans = new Transaction();
        trans.setMerchantReference("YOUR REFERENCE"); // optional. auto generated if not provided
	trans.setAmout(10000); // amount in kobo
	trans.setCard = card


	var trans = Transaction()
	trans.merchantReference = "YOUR REFERENCE" // optional. auto generated if not provided
        trans.customerEmail = ""
        trans.amout = 10000 // amount in kobo
	trans.card = card

Implement your custom payment checkout page


	CyberpaySdk.getPayment(this, trans, new TransactionCallback() {
	public void onSuccess(transaction: Transaction) {
            //transaction is succesfull

	public void onError(transaction: Transaction, throwable: Throwable) {
            //transaction error occured

	public void onValidate(transaction: Transaction) {



CyberpaySdk.getPayment(this, trans, object : TransactionCallback() {
	    override fun onSuccess(transaction: Transaction) {
	        //transaction is succesfull
	    override fun onError(transaction: Transaction, throwable: Throwable) {
		//transaction error occured
	    override fun onValidate(transaction: Transaction) {

Note : Ensure when going live, you initialize the Live API key CyberpaySdk.initialiseSdk("LIVE_INTEGRATION_KEY", Mode.Live) instead of the Test API key CyberpaySdk.initialiseSdk("d5355204f9cf495f853c8f8d26ada19b", Mode.Debug). This key can be gotten from the merchant dashboard on the cyberpay merchant portal


Use the d5355204f9cf495f853c8f8d26ada19b integration key on Debug Mode..

The demo is running in test mode -- use 5399 8300 0000 0008 as a test card number with CVC: 000, future expiration date: 05/30.

OTP: 123456

Use the 4000 0000 0000 0622 test card number to trigger a 3D Secure payment flow with CVC: 535 future expiration date: 01/20..


Q: Where can I get my integration key?

A: You can get your integration key on the merchant dashboad of the Cyberpay official web portal.


Mobile Unit