Deprecated: this project is replaced by fastlane
This project is a collection of scripts created with two goals:
- To standardize how iOS projects are bootstrapped after cloning
- To easily build iOS projects on continuous integration servers
To add the scripts to your project, read the contents of this repository into a script folder:
bash <(curl -s
Which inactually executes following steps:
git remote add ios-build-scripts
git fetch ios-build-scripts
git read-tree --prefix=script/ -u ios-build-scripts/master
Then commit the changes, to incorporate the scripts into your own repository's history. You can also freely tweak the scripts for your specific project's needs.
To merge in upstream changes later:
make -C script
git fetch -p ios-build-scripts
git merge --ff --squash -Xsubtree=script ios-build-scripts/master
git submodule add script
update_keychain is used to manage Provisions and Certificates, put your certificates and script/certificates/
dir and put provisions under script/provisions/
You can run any command inside cibuild
./script/cibuild echo $GIT_COMMIT $GIT_BRANCH $BUILD
You can also source cibuild
to get env/utility in current context with
. script/cibuild