Toolset to extract and decrypt metamask vaults (wallets)
- Contact me at if you need help recovering your Metamask wallet password or seed phrase
Tool to extract metamask vaults to JSON and hashcat compatible formats
- Metamask JSON vaults can be decrypted with
- Previous Metamask hashes can be cracked using hashcat -m 26600
- New Metamask hashes can be cracked with hashcat using the custom -m 26620 kernel below
- Linux:
/home/$USER/.config/google-chrome/Default/Local\ Extension\ Settings/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/
- Mac:
Library>Application Support>Google>Chrome>Default>Local Extension Settings>nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn
- Windows
C:\Users\$USER\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn
- Linux:
./metamask_extractor.bin {metamask_vault_dir}
- Windows:
metamask_extractor.exe {metamask_vault_dir}
- If you want the latest features, compiling from source is the best option since the release version may run several revisions behind the source code.
- This assumes you have Go and Git installed
git clone
cd metamask_pwn
cd metamask_extractor
go mod init metamask_extractor
go mod tidy
go build -ldflags="-s -w" metamask_extractor.go
- Compile from source code how-to:
This tool is proudly the first publicly released Metamask Vault decryptor / cracker to support the new Metamask wallet vaults which have a dynamic iteration.
./metamask_decryptor_amd64.bin -h metamask_json.txt -w wordlist.txt
| Cyclone's Metamask Vault Decryptor |
Vault file: metamask_json.txt
Valid Vaults: 1
CPU Threads: 16
Wordlist: wordlist.txt
Decrypted: 0/1 5430.89 h/s 00h:01m:00s
- Supports previous Metamask vaults as well as new vaults with "KeyMetadata" which have dynamic iterations
- If you need help extracting Metamask vaults, use
Metamask Extractor Metamask Vault Decryptor
is superseded by hashcat, however,Metamask Vault Decryptor
also displays the seed phrase alongside the vault password, which hashcat does not currently support
- Old vault format:
{"data": "","iv": "","salt": ""}
- New vault format:
{"data": "","iv": "","keyMetadata": {"algorithm": "PBKDF2","params": {"iterations": }},"salt": ""}
./metamask_decryptor.bin -h {wallet_json} -w {wordlist}
If the tool successfully decrypts the vault, tool will print the vault json, seed phrase and vault password
Decrypted Vault: '{}'
Seed Phrase: ''
Vault Password: ''
- If you want the latest features, compiling from source is the best option since the release version may run several revisions behind the source code.
- This assumes you have Go and Git installed
git clone
cd metamask_pwn
cd metamask_decryptor
go mod init metamask_decryptor
go mod tidy
go build -ldflags="-s -w" metamask_decryptor.go
- Compile from source code how-to: