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gostats is a real-time Linux monitoring tool

It can be used to monitor

  • cpu
  • memory
  • networks
  • disks
  • process

and very soon, Docker containers.

The tool is based on famous gopsutil front shirou.

It is available on Github.


gostats binary

gostats developped in Go. In order to compile it after cloning the repository, just run

$ go get
$ CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -installsuffix cgo

Docker image

gostats is available in a Docker image. To build the image:

$ docker build . -t cyd01/gostats -f Dockerfile


The "old" way

Simply run the process:

$ PORT=80 ./
Start gostats...
2020/06/22 19:09:14 Starting webserver on port 80 to directory /home/public/wwwroot

The easy way

The easy is the the Docker way:

$ docker run --rm -t --privileged -p 80:80 \
	-e PORT=80 \
	-v /proc:/data/proc:ro \
	-v /sys:/data/sys:ro \
	-v /etc:/data/etc:ro \
	-v /var:/data/var:ro \
	-v /run:/data/run:ro \
	-v /dev:/data/dev:ro \

The easiest

Much more easy, a compose file:

$ docker-compose up -d
Creating gostats_gostats_1 ... done

Behind a reverse proxy

Add GOSTATS_BASE environment variable to run gostats behind a reverse proxy.

$ docker run --rm -t --privileged -p 80:80 \
	-e GOSTATS_BASE=/gostats \ 
	-e PORT=80 \
	-v /proc:/data/proc:ro \
	-v /sys:/data/sys:ro \
	-v /etc:/data/etc:ro \
	-v /var:/data/var:ro \
	-v /run:/data/run:ro \
	-v /dev:/data/dev:ro \


Here is an online demonstration website.