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Sanjoy Dey edited this page Oct 31, 2015 · 1 revision

##Encryption Class


Set your encryption key in **apps/configs/application.php file. By default encryption key set in config, you can also change.

 return array(
     'cf_encryption_key'  => 'cygnite-shaXatB.............59c4mrez',

[Note: You must have mcrypt extension installed in your system to use encryption and session library.]

###How to encrypt sting ?

Cygnite Framework have built-in mechanism to make your data secure. You can able to encrypt your string as below.

   use Cygnite\Common\Encrypt;

   $crypt = new Encrypt;
   $encryptedString = $crypt->encode("Encrypt my string as secure format");

###How To Decrypt Encoded String ?

Decrypt your encrypted string as below.

    use Cygnite\Common\Encrypt;

    echo $crypt->decode($encryptedString);

Encryption class is also used to encrypt session details to keep your session secure, it is depended on the salt key provided in apps/configs/application.php file.

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