If you're looking at this anywhere else, know I now develop this at my sourcehut.
A complete NixOS configuration, tailored to how I do things, usually using custom color scheming. I've set up with some secrets via sops-nix, and I split out as much user configuration into home-manager configurations and modules as I can. Also once provided a few packages and an overlay, as inspired by FoosterOS/2 Warp. Currently pending me getting back into that.
Here are a few tools I use:
- Chromium Ungoogled - A decent backup browser with Google pieces removed.
- FiraCode Font - A nice coding font with ligatures.
- Firefox - A more open browser than Chrome.
- kitty - A fast, capable terminal interface.
- mupdf - A PDF viewer with vim-like keybinds.
- nerd-fonts - Fancy fonts for everyone.
- nheko - A Qt desktop client for Matrix.
- obs - An extensable screencasting app.
- qpwgraph - A fast Pipewire linker.
- remmina - A versatile remote session client.
- rofi -- with wayland support - An easy menu system.
- sway - A customizable window manager.
- swaylock-effects - Fancy lock screens for Sway.
- waybar - Configurable status bar for Sway.
- wlogout - Configurable logout screen.
- direnv - Automatic environment setup on folder entry.
- fish - A user-friendly command line.
- git - Simple Version Control System.
- gnupg - An encryption/digital-signature suite.
- mopidy - An extendable music server, written in Python.
- neovim - A rewritten Vim for modern use.
- qemu - A suite of tools for virtualization and architecture emulation.
- starship - A fancy prompt without being too much.
- zoxide - A fast z/autojump system.
- opentofu - An open-source IaaS tool.
- rclone - A versatile cloud sync tool.
- rustic - A fast and versatile backup tool.
I've got plans, but rarely time or energy to work on them.
See https://todo.sr.ht/~cyntheticfox/nixfiles?search=label%3A%22enhancement%22.
See https://todo.sr.ht/~cyntheticfox/nixfiles?search=label%3A%22bug%22.
For Windows platforms, please see instead dotfiles.ps1