Few common algorithms and data structures in JavaScript
- Fibonacci number at Fn position
- Fibonacci series
- Flatten an array
- Array - sorting numbers
- Array - sorting string
- Array - sorting objects on a property
- Stack class implementation
- Base Convertor using stack. Convert decimal to binary, octal or hex
- Queue class implementation
- Basic Queue Example
- Priority Queue
- Hot Potato - Circular Queue (Elimination)
- Linked List Implementation and Examples
- Doubly Linked List Implementation and Examples
- Circular Linked List Implementation and Examples
- Set Class implementation
- Union Example
- Intersect Example
- Difference Example
- Subset Example
- Hash Table - Separate Chaining
- Hash Table - Linear Probing
- BST Implementation
- Insert
- Search
- In Order Traverse
- Pre Order Traverse
- Post Order Traverse
- Delete
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Binary Search using Quick Sort