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Customize the dashboard

Andrea Cardaci edited this page May 16, 2021 · 2 revisions

The dashboard offers a number of stylable attributes that can be changed via the -style command which applies to both the dashboard and individual modules. See help dashboard -style and help dashboard <module> -style for a complete list.

For example, the following changes the style of the dividers and the height of the source module:

dashboard -style divider_fill_char_primary '#'
dashboard -style divider_fill_style_primary '33'
dashboard -style divider_label_style_on_primary '1;31'
dashboard source -style height 20

Note how the colors are specified using ANSI sequences. For example setting a style to 1;31 produces ^[[1;31m, which will result in displaying the text red (31) and bright (1). To disable the ANSI output set the dashboard -style ansi to False.

These settings are usually tweaked live from a GDB session then written to a configuration file for persistence, the dashboard -configuration command can be used to display or save the customized attributes so far.