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University of Warwick

Alice Minotto edited this page Feb 21, 2017 · 3 revisions

There are 3 options when it comes to using our applications:

  1. Via the CyVerse Discovery Environment. This is the recommended approach to a new user. This is the easiest option since a full user interface is provided to the user.
  2. Using the Docker images that are available on our Docker Hub repository 🐳. Each application/tool has a corresponding image.
  3. With the source codes that are hosted on our Github repository :octocat:. This approach will give you more information of how the application actually works. We are always looking to improve our code, so feel free to send us a pull request.

We give details on the first option and interested users may try the other two options with reference to the documentations we have for each application.

CyVerse Discovery Environment

All of our applications on the CyVerse Discovery Environment are searchable using the "uk cyverse" keyword in the application search box.

Below is a screenshot showing the search in action: Search for CyVerse UK apps

A full list of applications developed by the Warwick team is given in the table:

Application Description Run on CyVerse *
Sequence Alignment
APPLES A set of tools to analyse promoter sequences on a genome-wide scale DE
Footprint Identification
Wellington Bootstrap An algorithm for the identification of regions occupied by proteins in DNase-seq data, performing a differential analysis between two samples DE
Wellington Footprint An algorithm for the identification of regions occupied by proteins in DNase-seq data DE
Differencial Expression
GP2S A differential expression algorithm for time series data with a two condition (eg. control/treated) experimental design DE
Gradient Tool An algorithm for the identification of the time of change from single condition time course expression data DE
Network Inference
CSI A network inference algorithm capable of inferring causal regulatory network models from time course expression data DE
hCSI An expansion of CSI network inference to handle multiple time course datasets DE
oCSI An expansion of CSI network inference to handle data from multiple organisms DE
Clustering / Biclustering
BHC A clustering algorithm for expression data originally made available in R, allows for the analysis of both time course or multiple static datasets DE
TCAP A clustering algorithm for time course expression data, identifies complex regulatory groups thanks to a rich information measure DE
Wigwams An algorithm for the extraction of gene groups co-regulated across subsets of multiple time course datasets DE
Transcription Factor Motif Enrichment
HMT A transcription factor binding site overrepresentation analysis algorithm for known motifs DE
MEME-LaB A transcription factor binding site overrepresentation analysis algorithm with novel motif discovery DE

* - A CyVerse account is required. Register here if necessary.

These applications are also accessible through our local Discovery Environment