Utility scripts to work with JSONNET and monitoring resource mixins.
- Grafana dashboards
- Prometheus alert and recording rules
At the moment just a few utilities to work with Grafana dashboard and Prometheus alarm definition mixins.
Convert YAML rules to JSONNET format.
Usage: jsonnet-utils-prometheus-convert [OPTIONS]
--source-path TEXT | |
Path to search for the source YAML rules. | |
--build-path TEXT | |
Path to save converted JSONNET dashboards, none to print to console. |
Example usage:
jsonnet-utils-prometheus-convert --source-path=../data/alarms --build-path=./build Searching path `../data/alarms` for YAML rule definitions to convert ... Converted rules file `../data/alarms/alarms.yml` to `./build/alarms.jsonnet`.
Example result JSONNET definition:
{ prometheusAlerts+:: { groups+: [ { name: 'kubernetes-apps', rules: [ { alert: 'KubePodCrashLooping', annotations: { message: 'Pod {{ $labels.namespace }}/{{ $labels.pod }} ({{ $labels.container }}) is restarting {{ printf "%.2f" $value }} times / 5 minutes.', }, expr: 'rate(kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total{kubernetes_name="kube-state-metrics"}[15m]) * 60 * 5 > 0\n', 'for': '1h', labels: { severity: 'critical', }, }, { alert: 'KubePodNotReady', annotations: { message: 'Pod {{ $labels.namespace }}/{{ $labels.pod }} has been in a non-ready state for longer than an hour.', }, expr: 'sum by (namespace, pod) (kube_pod_status_phase{kubernetes_name="kube-state-metrics", phase=~"Pending|Unknown"}) > 0\n', 'for': '1h', labels: { severity: 'critical', }, }, ], }, ] } }
Convert JSON dashboards to JSONNET format.
Usage: jsonnet-utils-grafana-convert [OPTIONS]
--source-path TEXT | |
Path to search for the source JSON dashboards. | |
--build-path TEXT | |
Path to save converted JSONNET dashboards, none to print to console. | |
--format TEXT | Format of the dashboard: grafonnet or grafana-builder. |
--layout TEXT | Format of the dashboard: normal (scheme 14) , grid (scheme 16). |
Example usage:
jsonnet-utils-grafana-convert --source-path=./tests/data --build-path ./build Searching path `./tests/data` for JSON dashboards to convert ... Converted dashboard `./tests/data/server-single_rev3.json` to `./build/server-single_rev3.jsonnet` Converted dashboard `./tests/data/prometheus-redis_rev1.json` to `./build/prometheus-redis_rev1.jsonnet`
Example result JSONNET definition:
local grafana = import 'grafonnet/grafana.libsonnet'; local dashboard = grafana.dashboard; local row = grafana.row; local prometheus = grafana.prometheus; local template = grafana.template; local graphPanel = grafana.graphPanel; { grafanaDashboards+:: { 'prometheus-redis_rev1.json': dashboard.new( 'Prometheus Redis', tags=[] ) .addTemplate('addr', 'label_values(redis_connected_clients, addr)', 'instance') .addRow( row.new() .addPanel( singlestat.new( 'Uptime', datasource='$datasource', span=1, format='s', valueName='current', ) ) .addTarget( prometheus.target( ||| redis_uptime_in_seconds{addr="$addr"} ||| % $._config, legendFormat='', ) ) .addPanel( singlestat.new( 'Clients', datasource='$datasource', span=1, format='none', valueName='current', ) ) .addTarget( prometheus.target( ||| redis_connected_clients{addr="$addr"} ||| % $._config, legendFormat='', ) ) ) } }
Get info from Grafana JSON dashboards.
Usage: jsonnet-utils-grafana-info [OPTIONS]
--path TEXT | Path to search for the source JSON dashboards. |
Example usage:
jsonnet-utils-grafana-info --path=./tests/data Searching path `./tests/data` for JSON dashboards for detailed info ... server-single_rev3.json: title: Linux host schema-version: 14 variables: count: 1 items: - host (query) panels: count: 7 items: - DISK partitions (graph) - Processes (graph) - swap (graph) - CPU usage (graph) - RAM (graph) - IP traffic (graph) - system: load (5m) (graph) prometheus-redis_rev1.json: title: Prometheus Redis schema-version: 12 variables: count: 1 items: - addr (query) panels: count: 11 items: - Uptime (singlestat) - Clients (singlestat) - Memory Usage (singlestat) - Commands Executed / sec (graph) - Hits / Misses per Sec (graph) - Total Memory Usage (graph) - Network I/O (graph) - Total Items per DB (graph) - Expiring vs Not-Expiring Keys (graph) - Expired / Evicted (graph) - Command Calls / sec (graph)
Test JSONNET formatted dashboards.
Usage: jsonnet-utils-grafana-test [OPTIONS]
--path TEXT | Path to search for the source JSON dashboards. |
--scheme TEXT | Scheme version of the dashboard: 16 is the current. |
--layout TEXT | Format of the dashboard: normal (scheme 14) , grid (scheme 16). |
Example usage:
jsonnet-utils-grafana-test --path=./tests/data 2018-11-28 00:50:02,298 [INFO ] Searching path `./tests/data` for JSON dashboards to test ... 2018-11-28 00:50:02,298 [INFO ] Testing dashboard `server-single_rev3.json` ... OK 2018-11-28 00:50:02,299 [INFO ] Testing dashboard `prometheus-redis_rev1.json` ... OK
Get Prometheus metric names from Grafana JSON dashboard targets.
Usage: jsonnet-utils-grafana-metrics [OPTIONS]
--path TEXT | Path to search for the source JSON dashboards. |
Example usage:
jsonnet-utils-grafana-metrics --path=./tests/source Searching path `./tests/source` for JSON dashboards for targets ... prometheus-redis_rev1.json: - redis_command_call_duration_seconds_count - redis_commands_processed_total - redis_config_maxmemory - redis_connected_clients - redis_db_keys - redis_db_keys_expiring - redis_evicted_keys_total - redis_expired_keys_total - redis_keyspace_hits_total - redis_keyspace_misses_total - redis_memory_used_bytes - redis_net_input_bytes_total - redis_net_output_bytes_total - redis_uptime_in_seconds
- Convert row based layout to grid layout
- Support for Prometheus, InfluxDB and ElasticSearch datasources
- Testing of JSONNET sources and built resources