Exercise to practice MVP pattern (Model View Presenter) in Android.
Consumes API: http://restcountries.eu/
Images can be obtained from: http://www.geonames.org/flags/x/ + countryCode + .gif
- Create Presenter and move all the presentation logic in there.
- Create UI model.
- Modify item content
- Add region as:
"region, subregion"
or nothing if the fields are empty. - Modify population information as:
"less than 1 mill"
or rounded amount otherwise (10.315 --> ~ 10mill) - Handle navigation
- Add new Activity: CountryDetailActivity following MVP.
- Retrofit https://square.github.io/retrofit/
- Picasso https://square.github.io/picasso/
- Butterknife http://jakewharton.github.io/butterknife/