This repository is covering the freeCodeCamp projects. You can browse in these directories.
I especially recommend the Quality Assurance projects, they are quite well written.
- [Demo] Sudoku Solver
- [Demo] Personal Library
- [Demo] Issue Tracker
- [Demo] British-American Translator
- [Demo] Metric/Imperial Converter
- [Demo] Exercise tracker
- [Demo] File Metadata Microservice
- [Demo] Request Header Parser
- [Demo] Timestamp Microservice
- [Demo] URL Shortener
- [Demo] Vampire Orbituary (Random Quote Machine)
- [Demo] React Markdown Previewer
- [Demo] Minimalistic Purple Drum Machine
- [Demo] JavaScript Calculator
- [Demo] 25 + 5 Clock
- [Demo] Caesar's Cipher
- [Demo] Roman Numeral Converter
- [Demo] Palindrome Checker
- Cash Register
- Telephone Number Validator (US)
- Portfolio
- Technical Documentation
- Survey Form
- Product Landing Page
- Tribute Page
Access the "Portfolio" web page here:
It holds all the projects above, linking to