An anagram finder framework for Apache Mesos.
See the accompanying slides for more context.
ANAGRAMMER consists of three main components:
and launches tasks with the executors
- VirtualBox 4.1.18+
- Vagrant 1.3+
- git (command line tool)
$ wget -O /tmp/
$ vagrant box add --name mesos-demo /tmp/
$ git clone
$ vagrant up
Now that the VM is running, you can view the Mesos Web UI here:
You can see that 1 slave is registered and you've got some idle CPUs and Memory. So let's start the ANAGRAMMER!
$ vagrant ssh
vagrant@mesos:~ $ cd hostfiles
# Start the scheduler with the seed word, the mesos master ip and optionally a task limit
vagrant@mesos:hostfiles $ python word 42
# See results
vagrant@mesos:hostfiles $ less
# <Ctrl+C> to stop..
# Exit out of the VM
vagrant@mesos:hostfiles $ exit
# Stop the VM
$ vagrant halt
# To delete all traces of the vagrant machine
$ vagrant destroy
- Interprets incoming tasks'
field as a word - Fetches the anagrams for that word and extracts them from the document
- Sends a framework message to the scheduler containing the finder result (the anagrams).
- Interprets incoming tasks'
field as a word - Fetches the anagram, and find the definition of it, if it's a real word
- Sends a framework message to the scheduler containing the definer result (the definition).
We define some common data types to facilitate communication between the scheduler and the executors. Their default representation is JSON.
"1234", # taskId
"foo", # word
["foo", "oof"] # anagrams
"1234", # taskId
"foo", # word
"definition of foo" # definition
: list of wordsdefinerQueue
: list of wordsprocessedwords
: set or wordsfinderResults
: list of word tuplesdefinerResults
: map of words to definitions
The scheduler accepts one word as a command-line parameter to seed the definer and finder queues.
For each word, create a task in both the definer queue and the finder queue.
Upon receipt of a finder result, add an element to the finder results adjacency list. Append to the definer and finder queues each word that is not present in the set of processed words. Add these enqueued words to the set of processed words.
Upon receipt of a definer result, add an element to the definer results map.
The finder and definer queues are drained in FCFS order at a rate determined by the resource offer stream. When the queues are empty, the scheduler declines resource offers to make them available to other frameworks running on the cluster.