- Added GScraper, a scraping library for Google Images, DuckDuckGo and Brave.
- [img2] Added new command (DuckDuckGo image search).
- [img3] Added new command (Brave image search).
- [privacy] Added new command (privacy policy and opt out options)
- [userinfo] Added user badges.
- [youtube] Added pagination support.
- [wikipedia] Added pagination support.
- [channelinfo] Added support for thread and stage channels.
- [roleinfo] Added role icon as thumbnail.
- Added icons to image search commands.
- Added Discord timestamps to multiple commands.
- Added embeds to messages with attachments (
). - Added fallback pastebin to Hastebin (Hatebin).
- Added multiple configuration options.
- Added an optimized message cache.
- Added sharding support.
- Updated the runtime to .NET 6, with lots of performance and memory improvements.
- Replaced the included translators with GTranslate, which includes new languages and a new translator (Yandex.Translate).
- Replaced System.Drawing.Commom with ImageSharp.
- Replaced the old interactive service with Fergun.Interactive.
- Replaced OCR.Space API with Bing Visual Search internal API, which is free and doesn't require an API key.
- Rewritten the AI Dungeon API wrapper, improving the response time of AI Dungeon commands.
- [img] Use images from Google Images.
- Snipe commands can now be opt out with
. - [wikipedia] Use the localized logo.
- [stats] Display the git commit hash and sharding info.
- [help] Ignore the command group when searching for a command.
- [avatar, userinfo] Try to use the user's banner color instead of downloading the avatar and getting the average color whenever possible.
- Improved the reusage of interactive messages.
- Improved the way the bot resolves the users from the command messages.
- Improved the handling of edited command messages with attachments.
- Updated multiple comands to benefit from interactions (buttons, select menus).
- Now image search commands use the highest safe search level on non-NSFW channels.
- Now possible edited command messages won't be processed if they are 4 hours older.
- Lots of bug fixes.
- Other minor changes.
- Removed the command
, it stopped working a long time ago. - [config] Removed CaptionBot autotranslate option.