The project is based on Raspberry Pi 4 and RPicameraV2
Used programming languages: Python (100%)
Necessary libraries for working with source code:
Picamera2 0.3.18 (or newer)
pip install picamera2
CVzone 1.6.1 (or newer)
pip install cvzone
OpenCV (or newer)
pip install opencv-python
Make sure that all libraries have been installed correctly:
Open terminal. Run commands:
import cv2
import cvzone
Run a simple example to see if the picamera2 works great
import cv2
from picamera2 import Picamera2
picam2 = Picamera2()
picam2.configure(picam2.create_preview_configuration(main = {'format': 'XRGB8888', 'size': (640, 480)}))
while True:
im = picam2.capture_array()
cv2.imshow('camera', im)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
- Libraries import section Importing: cv2, cvzone and some sub-libraries from cvzone.
from picamera2 import Picamera2
import cv2
import cvzone
from cvzone.HandTrackingModule import HandDetector
from cvzone.FPS import FPS
- Camera initialization Configuration of the camera image format and its resolution.
Camera startup and hands detection, fps counter function imported from the library.
picam2 = Picamera2()
picam2.configure(picam2.create_preview_configuration(main={'format': 'RGB888', 'size': (288,288)}))
fpsReader = FPS(avgCount=30)
detector = HandDetector(staticMode=False, maxHands=2, modelComplexity=1, detectionCon=0.5, minTrackCon=0.5)
- Main while True loop
while True:
img = picam2.capture_array()
fps, img = fpsReader.update(img, pos=(20, 20), bgColor=(0, 200, 0), textColor=(255, 255, 255), scale=0.8, thickness=2)
hands, img = detector.findHands(img, draw=True, flipType=True)
if hands:
hand1 = hands[0]
lmList1 = hand1["lmList"]
center1 = hand1['center']
handType1 = hand1["type"]
fingers1 = detector.fingersUp(hand1)
print(f'H1 = {fingers1.count(1)}', end=" ")
length, info, img = detector.findDistance(lmList1[8][0:2], lmList1[12][0:2], img, color=(255, 0, 255), scale=10)
if len(hands) == 2:
hand2 = hands[1]
lmList2 = hand2["lmList"]
center2 = hand2['center']
handType2 = hand2["type"]
fingers2 = detector.fingersUp(hand2)
print(f'H2 = {fingers2.count(1)}', end=" ")
length, info, img = detector.findDistance(lmList1[8][0:2], lmList2[8][0:2], img, color=(255, 0, 0), scale=10)
print(" ")
cv2.imshow("Image", img)
Added optimized Simple-Hand-Tracker