Short scripts, which do not belong to my dotfiles. Unless otherwise stated, these files are in the public domain.
- audio-player: Default audio player (cli).
- backup-meta: Backup my system.
- bash-count-occurence: Count most used commands from bash history.
- bash-dedup-history: Remove duplicates from bash history and rewrite file.
- binary2nibble: Group binary numbers into nibbles (used with bc output).
- bitbucket-rest-api-libexec: Libexec: Bitbucket REST API.
- bitbucket-rest-api: Wrapper: Bitbucket REST API.
- bspot-create-featured-lists: Take pub list1 and create audio-featured public lists.
- bspot-create-gpb-lists: Take pub list1 and create public gpb lists.
- bspot-create-label: Take pub list1 and sort it by label.
- bspot-create-not-playable: Take pub list1 and create a list with unplayable tracks.
- bspot-create-release-date: Take pub list1 and sort it by release_date.
- bspot-get-tracks: Get track info of a public playlist.
- bspot-shuffle-list: Take pub list1, shuffle it and add the songs to cleared pub list2.
- bspot: Some functions to modify public user-playlists via Spotify's Web API.
- bspwm-rules: external_rules_command
- cclean: Clean up some dirs and files.
- checkout-all-wir-bare-repos: Turn all downloaded wir bare git repositories into normal repos.
- choose: choose.
- chromium-history: Browse the history of chromium via fzf, and then open selection.
- clipbuffer: Simple X selection manager.
- compose-my-confluence-how-to-article: Compose my confluence how-to article in vim.
- confluence-rest-api-libexec: Libexec: Confluence REST API.
- confluence-rest-api: Wrapper: Confluence REST API.
- countdown: Visually count down time.
- create-my-confluence-how-to-article: Create new how-to article page in my confluence space.
- daemonize: Daemonize a command.
- daylight: Test against daytime and adjust my theme config.
- debian-build-sources-list: Build /etc/apt/sources.list with the help of netselect-apt.
- debian-dist-upgrade: Dist-upgrade packages from Debian.
- debian-update-alternatives: Update Debian alternatives.
- debian-upgrade: Upgrade packages from Debian.
- detach: Detach a command.
- dnsmasq-backup-urls: Backup all urls from dnsmasq log.
- download-rocketchat-entities: Download Rocket.Chat user and channel list.
- dudel: Disk usage of unlinked, but still open files.
- emacsd: Wrapper: emacs --daemon.
- event-editor: Add a task to Taskwarrior ('event' context) via vim (yaml).
- event: Wrapper: Use taskwarrior in my 'event' context.
- fb-image-viewer: Default image viewer (framebuffer).
- fc-edit: Default fc editor ($FCEDIT).
- feed2newsboat: Select feed url via dmenu and use it in newsboat.
- feedfaetcher: Simple news feed downloader.
- fetch-all-wir-repo-refs: Fetch all refs from wir git repositories.
- file-browser: Default file manager (tui).
- furlview: Simple replacement for urlview using fzf in X.
- fzf-bind.bash: My fzf keybinding script for bash.
- gaisma: Get sun data infos from
- generate-bookmarks-file: Extract my Bookmarks from Firefox and generate file.
- generate-my-confluence-how-to-article: Generate markdown version of my confluence how-to article and push it.
- generate-workingdays-sheet: Generate working days sheet.
- get-basic-edid-identification: Get some EDID vendor and product information.
- get-battery-capacity: Get battery capacity.
- get-edid-as-sha256sums: Get sha256sums of the connected monitor's EDID info.
- get-input-device-names-as-md5sums: Get md5sums of names in /proc/bus/input/devices.
- get-lifeday: Get lifeday.
- get-nox: Get concubium and gallicinium.
- get-product-name-as-sha256sum: Get sha256sum of /sys/class/dmi/id/product_name.
- get-product-uuid-as-sha256sum: Get sha256sum of /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid.
- get-sundata: Get sunrise and sunset.
- get-wan-ip: Get WAN IP.
- github-build-bin-readme: Build in
- grabc2clipboard: X-select color code from grabc into clipboard.
- grep-url: Grep url from stdin.
- habit-editor: Add a task to Taskwarrior ('habit' context) via vim (yaml).
- habit: Wrapper: Use taskwarrior in my 'habit' context.
- hblock: Simple ad- and malware-blocking-list builder for dnsmasq.
- hexdump-raw-edid: Hexdump raw EDID monitor description usable with edid-decode(1).
- idea-file-info: Display Java file info. To be run as external tool within IDEA.
- image-viewer: Default image viewer (tui).
- iplog: Log WAN IP.
- issue-editor: Add a task into Taskwarrior ('issue' context) via vim (yaml).
- issue: Wrapper: Use taskwarrior in my 'issue' context.
- jira-rest-api-libexec: Libexec: Confluence REST API.
- jira-rest-api: Wrapper: Jira REST API.
- lan-down: Wrapper: Set lan off.
- lan-up: Wrapper: Set lan on.
- lesspipew: My preprocessor for less.
- list-all-branches: List all branches of all project repos.
- list-all-can-merge-prs: List all open prs, which can be merged.
- list-all-confluence-blogposts: List all confluence blog posts.
- list-all-inactive-reviewers: List all inactive reviewers of open and overdue prs.
- list-all-my-confluence-how-to-articles: List all my confluence how-to articles.
- list-all-my-open-prs: List all my open prs.
- list-all-my-open-reviews: List all open prs I (still) have to review.
- list-all-other-rocketchat-channels: List all rocketchat channels I haven't joined yet.
- list-all-overdue-prs: List all open and overdue prs.
- list-all-tags: List all tags of all project repos.
- list-all-users-contact-data: List all users with their contact data.
- list-all-users-ip-addresses: List all users with their ip addresses.
- list-commits-totals: List all all project repos' commit totals.
- list-rocketchat-user-presences: List all user presences in Rocket.Chat.
- lock: Manually lock screen.
- log-editor: Log a task into Taskwarrior ('log' context) via vim (yaml).
- log: Wrapper: Use taskwarrior in my 'log' context.
- lsdisk: Display information about block devices and disk space on the file system.
- lsort: Sort strings by lenght.
- mail-archive: Archive mails (dovecot -> maildir).
- mail-deliver: Deliver mails (msmtp).
- mail-get: Get mails and give notification + sound (via run-logger).
- mail-hook-post: Run command after mail-get.
- mail-hook-pre: Run command before mail-get.
- mail-inbox: Display statistics about new/unseen mails (imapfilter).
- mail-queue: Display mail queue (msmtp).
- mail-retrieve: Retrieve mails (mpop).
- mail-send: Sends mail via msmtp-queue and give notification + sound (via run-logger).
- mail-update: Update mail folders.
- mail-viewer: Default mua (tui).
- menu: A wrapper script for selecting "menu driven" programs.
- mime-build-types: Parse /usr/share/mime and build a mime.type file with ERE globs.
- mirror-all-wir-repos: Mirror all wir git repositories.
- msmtpqw: Replacement for msmtpq.
- mutt--d630-archive: Run mutt.
- mutt--d630: Run mutt.
- mutt--gmail-archive: Run mutt.
- mutt--gmail: Run mutt.
- mutt--hotmail-archive: Run mutt.
- mutt--hotmail: Run mutt.
- mutt--posteo-archive: Run mutt.
- mutt--posteo1-archive: Run mutt.
- mutt--posteo1: Run mutt.
- mutt--posteo: Run mutt.
- mutt--spool: Run mutt.
- mutt-save-attachments: Save attachements in Mutt.
- news: Get news.
- open: Open files or strings in preferred applications.
- pass2clipboard: Copy password from pass.
- pdf-purge-metadata: Remove PDF metadata with pdftk and exiftool.
- power: Notify, if battery power is (almost) gone.
- print-apt-conf: Print APT config of a single file.
- pwgen2clipboard: X-select generated password into clipboard.
- pycolor: Pick color code.
- pyfonts: Display fonts.
- readline-editor: Default readline editor.
- reconfigure-audio: Reconfigure audio devices.
- reconfigure-camera: Reconfigure camera.
- reconfigure-keyboard: Reconfigure keyboard.
- reconfigure-linux-console-color: Configure color in linux console.
- reconfigure-monitor: Reconfigure monitor(s)
- reconfigure-network-device: Reconfigure network devices.
- reconfigure-pointer: Reconfigure pointer.
- reload-sxhkd: Reload sxhkd config.
- repeat: Exec a command n times.
- rest-api: Default REST API functions.
- rest: Wrapper: Use several REST APIs.
- restart-dunst: Restart dunst.
- restart-sxhkd: Restart sxhkd.
- rocketchat-rest-api-libexec: Libexec: Rocketchat REST API.
- rocketchat-rest-api: Wrapper: Rocket.Chat REST API.
- rocketchat-status: Set Rocket.Chat online status.
- run-black: Run black.
- run-borg-weekly: Run weekly borg backup.
- run-chromium-incognito: Run chromium in incognito.
- run-chromium: Run chromium.
- run-feedfaetcher: Run feedfaetcher.
- run-firefox: Run firefox.
- run-flake8: Run flake8.
- run-generate-bookmarks-file: Run generate-bookmarks-file.
- run-grabc: Run grabc.
- run-idea: Run intellij-idea-ultimate.
- run-imapfilter: Run imapfilter with specific conf file.
- run-isort: Run isort.
- run-logger: Run logger.
- run-mutt: Run mutt.
- run-mypy: Run mypy.
- run-notify-send: Run notify-send.
- run-pidgin: Run pidgin.
- run-pwgen: Run pwgen.
- run-rtcwake: Run rtcwake in mem mode and play music/radio on wakeup.
- run-scrot: Run scrot.
- run-source-highlight: Run source-highlight.
- run-spotify: Run spotify.
- run-transmission-cli: Run transmission-cli.
- run-vncserver: Run vncserver.
- run-weechat: Run weechat.
- run-z: Run z output and open dir in file manager.
- run: Run that command.
- schlafe: My very creative suspend wrapper.
- sdmenu: Run dmenu2-save menu.
- skel-home: Prepare home directory.
- sort-ipv4: Sort ipv4 addreses from stdin
- sound: Play specific sounds.
- spotify-mpris: Control spotify via mpris player interface.
- ssudo: Use sudo with sdmenu via SUDO_ASKPASS.
- My mini wrapper for xinit.
- stat2assoc: Stat a file and build an associative bash array.
- stj1: Use st like kuake and yeahconsole terminal.
- swaptop: Display most swap-using processes.
- task-calc: Run task cals: Calculate dates via taskwarrior.
- task-colors: Run task colors: Display color info in terminal.
- task-cv: Source or print all defaults of Taskwarrior's configuration settings (v2.5.1).
- task-local: Simple wrapper for using taskwarrior with local "task-repos".
- taskum-add: Add a bookmark to taswarrior-um (used in newsbeuter/newsboat).
- template: Prepare new file from a template.
- test-ctty: Test whether process has a controlling tty.
- test-daylight: Test daylight by checking if we are between sunrise and sunset.
- test-inet: Test inet connection by trying to connect/ping to google.
- test-xorg: Test whether we are in an X session.
- text-editor: Default text editor.
- text-visual: Default text visual editor.
- theme: Adjust theme configuration.
- todo-editor: Add a task to Taskwarrior ('todo' context) via vim (yaml).
- todo: Wrapper: Use taskwarrior in my 'todo' context.
- Tput: export most terminfo/ANSI escape sequences needed for colorization.
- update-all-wir-repo-mirrors: Update all mirrored wir git repositories.
- update-packages: Update software packages via some package managers.
- volume: Set volume via amixer.
- watch-all-confluence-spaces: Watch all spaces on confluence.
- watch-all-wir-repos: Watch all wir git repositories on bitbucket.
- web-browser: Default web browser (tui).
- webheader: Get webheader via curl.
- wlan-down: Wrapper: Set wlan off.
- wlan-up: Wrapper: Set wlan on.
- wless: Open the result of command -v in less.
- workingdays: Display some working day statistic.
- wots: Handle stow packages.
- wradio: Simple wradio.
- wvim: Open the result of command -v in vim.
- x-audio-player: Default audio player (gui).
- x-file-browser: Default file manager (gui).
- x-image-viewer: Default image viewer (gui).
- x-mail-viewer: Default mail viewer (gui).
- x-pdf-viewer: Default pdf viewer (gui).
- x-terminal-tabbed: Open some terminal emulators in tabbed.
- x-terminal: Default terminal emulator window.
- x-text-editor: Default editor (gui).
- x-video-player: Default video player (gui).
- x-web-browser: Default web browser (gui).
- xorg-autolock: Default X screen autolocker program.
- xorg-get-xclass: Grab xwindow and get xclass info.
- xorg-get-xids: Get xwindow ids.
- xorg-lock: Manually lock X screen.
- xorg-locker: Default xlock program.
- xorg-raise-xwin: List xwindows with dmenu and raise selection.
- xorg-selection-clear: Clear the X selection.
- xorg-selection-clipboard-in: Read into X clipboard selection.
- xorg-selection-clipboard-out: Print the X clipboard selection to stdout.
- xorg-selection-primary-in: Read into X primary selection.
- xorg-selection-primary-out: Print the X primary selection to stdout.
- xorg-switch-to-desktop: Select X desktop with a menu and then switch with wmctrl to it.
- youtube-dl-get-audio: Run youtoube-dl to convert video to audio.
- zeit: Display times.
- zombies: Display all zombies and their parents to kill.