This script will install all required stuff to run a BitCore RPC Server.
Just 2 simple Steps and your Server is done!
Only working for Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Login as root, then do:
chmod +x
To enable firewall, you have to manually reboot server when blockchain is fully loaded!
Its loaded when "height" in message:
2018-03-24 21:58:33 UpdateTip: new best=0e18856d9315caa4e58045ec1581686de9076b916f2c791920aefad29fde6bd9 height=156975 version=0x20000000 log2_work=61.420326 tx=751075 date='2018-03-24 21:55:04' progress=0.877860 cache=10.7MiB(5039tx)
Will be equal to "Current numbers of blocks" in local wallet (GUI - Help > Debug > Information).
After install you can use su bitcore
to switch the user and with bitcore-cli getinfo
you will get all info.
Support for the following distribution versions:
- Fedora 7 (x86_64-centos-7)
- Fedora 26 (x86_64-fedora-26)
- Fedora 27 (x86_64-fedora-27)
- Fedora 28 (x86_64-fedora-28)
- Debian 7 (x86_64-debian-wheezy)
- Debian 8 (x86_64-debian-jessie) - tested
- Debian 9 (x86_64-debian-stretch)
- Debian 10 (x86_64-debian-buster)
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (x86_64-ubuntu-trusty) - tested
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (x86_64-ubuntu-xenial) - tested
- Ubuntu 17.10 (x86_64-ubuntu-artful)
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (x86_64-ubuntu-bionic) - tested
Download and execute the automated docker-ce installation script - maintained by the Docker project.
sudo curl -sSL | sh
Login as root, then do:
chmod +x
- Bitcore-BTX-RPC-Installer/
- Bitcore-BTX-RPC-Installer/
To generate a Account-Wallet just use : bitcore getnewaddress <accoutname>
Your config file is located in cd /home/bitcore/.bitcore/bitcore.conf
After changing rpcuser & rpcpassword please restart the bitcore server.
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