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A simple Web / UI / App / Frontend to Ollama.

Light Theme Dark Theme


Install Ollama and run the server.

Download some models. For example, one of my favorites:

$ ollama pull dolphin-mistral

Using LLaMazing

For using the app itself, there are 3 options:

  • Web demo (with local Ollama)
  • Local Web UI
  • Stand-alone app

Option 1 : Web demo

Allow browser to connect to your Ollama instance:

$ launchctl setenv OLLAMA_ORIGINS ''

Head over to and chat with your local Ollama instance.

Option 2 : Local Web UI

Install dependencies:

$ pnpm i

Run in browser (dev mode)

$ pnpm dev --open

Option 3 : Standalone app

Build one yourself (see below) or download a release from

❗Note: In order for the standalone app to work, you have to either manually start Ollama server like this:

$ OLLAMA_ORIGINS=* ollama serve

or set the property globally (once) and restart Ollama server

$ launchctl setenv OLLAMA_ORIGINS '*'


Building Web app

Build app (output goes to ./dist folder)

$ pnpm build

Running standalone app in dev mode

Install Tauri prerequisites based on your system:

$ pnpm tauri dev

Building app (Mac Universal)

$ pnpm tauri build --target universal-apple-darwin

Building app for your system

$ pnpm tauri build

Building app with debugging enabled

Good for troubleshooting a build (enables dev tools):

$ pnpm tauri build --debug