This is a deployment configuration that will install Prometheus on Openshift.
Before installing you need to create a service account with the cluster-reader role to enable Prometheus read-only access rights to the Kubernetes API underneath Openshift.
My recommendation is a separate project named prometheus. If you want to use something else, modify the oadm policy command accordingly:
oc new-project prometheus
oc create serviceaccount prometheus
oadm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-reader system:serviceaccount:prometheus:prometheus
If you want to use a different serviceaccount, modify the deploymentConfig accordingly.
If you want to enable a pod/service for scraping, check out the comments in the jobs. An example deploymentConfig that houses a Java application with the Prometheus Spring Boot exporter can be used with the following annotations in the DC
annotations: prometheus '8080' 'true'
Grafana Dashboard is based on, modified to use Openshift labels, instead of Kubernetes ones, where needed.