A serverless plugin to easily share CloudFormation template and code's artifact produced by serverless.
$ npm install serverless-plugin-share --save-dev
or using yarn
$ yarn add serverless-plugin-share
- serverless-plugin-share
bucket: my-public-bucket # (required) destination Bucket
stack: my-deployed-service # (optional) stack name used in share link
codeKey: my-service/deployed/code.zip # (optional) override code destination Key
templateKey: my-service/deployed/template.json # (optional) override template destination Key
MyRequiredParam: 'required' # (optional) parameter Default value will be removed
MyOptionalParam: 'optional' # (optional) parameter Default value will be set to ''
Once configured you are now able to deploy your service into an sharable version uploaded into destination Bucket using the following command:
serverless share
You can also override bucket
and key
serverless share \
--bucket my-service-template-bucket \
--codeKey my-vendor/my-version/code.zip \
--templateKey my-vendor/my-version/template.json \
--stack my-deployed-service
During download procedure the serverless artifact is downloaded and re-uploaded on the destination bucket. Produced CloudFormation template is downloaded, Parameters are parsed according to parameters
settings and Lambda functions' code source is manipulated to point to destination bucket and key.
At the end of procedure will be printed a read-to-use share link, for example:
Share link: https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home#/stacks/new?stackName=example&templateURL=https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/my-service-template-bucket/my-vendor/my-version/template.json