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The RemoteControlSystem is a System to control severals computers over the network.
The System is basend on a simple rmi implementation. The rmi implementation was needed to run on the android system. Thre rmi registry contains one ControlCenter.
- The ControlCenter holds all remoteable objects such as MediaCenters or InternetSwitches.
- A MediaCenter provides objects to browse throw the filesystem, control a music and video player and other usefull stuff for a computer (black screen, mouse move...).
- A InternetSwitch changes the state (ON/OFF) of a Power Switch. Its implemented for the raspberry pi like https://www.raspiprojekt.de/anleitungen/schaltungen/28-433-mhz-funksteckdosen-schalten.html?showall=1&limitstart
The RemoteControlSystem consists of several projects, that can be compiled and build with ant. The ant-scrip is in the de.neo.remote.build project. With the jar.destiny property in the scrip you can specify the destination of all jar-files.
To start the system you can use an init-script in your operating system. The following listing shows an example script for a linux machine.
# Provides: multimedia_server
# Required-Start: $local_fs $network
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $network
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Mulitmedia Server
# Description: Start the Multimedia Server
# Global settings
ip=$(ifconfig | awk -F':' '/inet addr/&&!/{split($2,_," ");print _[1]}')
# Registry
registry='java -jar '$app_directory'/registry.jar'
# ControlCenter
control_jar='java -jar '$app_directory'/controlcenter.jar'
control_parameter='--registry '$ip' --config /home/troubadix/controlcenter.xml'
# Webcam
webcam_jar='java -jar '$app_directory'/webcamserver.jar'
# MediaServer
file_browser='java -jar '$app_directory'/mediaserver.jar'
file_browser_parameter='--location /media/festplatte/ --temp /media/festplatte/Temp/pls/ --name Wohnzimmer --position 2.3,0.5,1.2 --registry '$ip' --type remote'
# InternetSwitch
power_jar='java -jar '$app_directory'/gpiopower.jar'
power_arg='--registry '$ip' --config /home/troubadix/gpiosender.xml'
case "$1" in
echo start registry
$registry &> $registry_log &
echo start controlcenter
$control_jar $control_parameter &> $control_log &
echo start mediaserver
$file_browser $file_browser_parameter &> $file_browser_log &
echo start webcam
$webcam_jar $webcam_parameter &> $webcam_log &
echo start gpio power
sudo -u root ${power_jar} ${power_arg} &> ${power_log} &
echo stop registry
pkill -f "${registry}"
echo stop browser
pkill -f "${file_browser}"
echo stop webcam
pkill -f "${webcam_jar}"
echo stop gpio power
pkill -f "${power_jar}"
echo stop control center
pkill -f "${control_jar}"
$0 stop
sleep 5
$0 start
echo 'Usage $0 {start|stop|restart}'
The ControlCenter requires a xml-file for '--config' parameter that specifies the environment to control. The environment consists of walls and each wall consists of points. An example of the groundplot.xml looks like the following listing:
<Point x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
<Point x="0" y="0" z="2.4"/>
<Point x="0" y="4.3" z="2.4"/>
<Point x="0" y="4.3" z="0"/>
<Point x="0" y="1.9" z="0"/>
<Point x="0" y="1.9" z="2"/>
<Point x="0" y="0.8" z="2"/>
<Point x="0" y="0.8" z="0"/>
<Point x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
<Point x="0" y="0" z="2.4"/>
<Point x="4.8" y="0" z="2.4"/>
<Point x="4.8" y="0" z="0"/>
<Point x="4.8" y="0" z="0"/>
<Point x="4.8" y="0" z="2.4"/>
<Point x="4.8" y="0.7" z="2.4"/>
<Point x="4.8" y="0.7" z="0"/>
<Point x="4.8" y="0" z="0"/>
<Point x="4.8" y="0.7" z="0"/>
<Point x="4.8" y="0.7" z="2.4"/>
<Point x="6.8" y="0.7" z="2.4"/>
<Point x="6.8" y="0.7" z="0"/>
<Point x="6.5" y="0.7" z="0"/>
<Point x="6.5" y="0.7" z="2"/>
<Point x="5.65" y="0.7" z="2"/>
<Point x="5.65" y="0.7" z="0"/>
<Point x="0" y="4.3" z="0"/>
<Point x="0" y="4.3" z="2.4"/>
<Point x="6.8" y="4.3" z="2.4"/>
<Point x="6.8" y="4.3" z="0"/>
<Point x="4.15" y="4.3" z="0"/>
<Point x="4.15" y="4.3" z="2"/>
<Point x="3.1" y="4.3" z="2"/>
<Point x="3.1" y="4.3" z="0"/>
The InternetSwitch jar-file also needs a xml-file the specifies all internet switches. The xml-file contains all switches with the corresponding famliy code, switch number and position (relative to the groundplot). Here is an example xml-file.
<Switch familyCode="xxxxx" switchNumber="3" name="Verstärker" x="1.5" y="0.5" z="0" type="audio"/>
<Switch familyCode="xxxxx" switchNumber="1" name="Bildschirm" x="1.5" y="0.5" z="0" type="video"/>
<Switch familyCode="xxxxx" switchNumber="2" name="Stehlampe" x="0.5" y="3.5" z="0" type="floorlamp"/>
<Switch familyCode="xxxxx" switchNumber="4" name="Lavalampe" x="-0.5" y="5" z="0" type="lavalamp"/>
<Switch familyCode="xxxxx" switchNumber="1" name="Leselampe" x="6" y="5" z="0" type="readinglamp"/>
<Switch familyCode="xxxxx" switchNumber="2" name="Leselampe2" x="7" y="5" z="0" type="readinglamp"/>
Currently there are two client implementations, a desktop verison based on java swing and a mobile version based on android 4.0.