la·zy | /ˈlāzē/ - unwilling to work or use energy.
LaZ Click - The act of saving yourself from the process of "alt-tab to browser –> find calendar tab –> open meeting –> click zoom link –> click 'open zoom button' –> die inside"
A simple menubar app that lists upcoming meetings and allows you to open Zoom with ease. 🤝 📹
- Launch the app
- Grant access to your Google Calendar
- Zoom away 💨
🔥 Under active development 🔥
Prerelease available now: Only compatible with macOS Catalina
It will sync with Google Calendar every minute and if any of your meeting locations match "<ZOOM_ID>", you'll be able to expand that entry and click on the Zoom link!
Shows your next 10 meetings.
- Crashes the first time you authenticate
- Crashes if you click on the icon before the calendar syncs
- Formatting needs some prettification on the menu
- Needs a proper downloadable app and Google app
- App must be validated:
- Show dates/days in addition to times
- Option to just open Zoom for you...why wait! (ala @ConnorPM)