Note: This is a fork of, including fixes
To use this package
go get
A Go (golang) package for generating the different possible word forms and conjugations in Japanese.
This is still in the experimental stage. However, later extensions might also include basic grammar parsing, analysis and translation.
A GetRoot
function that takes a string and returns one or more root forms, along with the rule used to transform it to root form. For example:
>>> roots := japanese.Analyze("食べない")
>>> root := roots[0]
>>> fmt.Println(root.Root, root.DictionaryForm, root.Rule)
食べ 食べる negative
For the most comprehensive examples, see the words_test.go
For the impatient, here's an example of usage right now (subject to change in the future):
func main() {
taberu := Verb{Verb{Word{"食べる", "たべる"}}
kau := Verb{Verb{Word{"買う", "かう"}}
matsu := Verb{Word{"待つ", "まつ"}}
fmt.Println(taberu.Negative()) // prints 食べない
fmt.Println(kau.Negative()) // prints 買わない
fmt.Println(matsu.Negative()) // prints 待たない