This repo contains some exercises written in Assembly RISC-V language.
I'm publishing them for archiving purpose and for your pure entertainment since there are not so many examples available about RISC-V (there are a lot of exercises on MIPS but not on RISC-V unfortunately).
Though I wrote every program in my native languagem and personally I don't mantain the sources, feel free to improve the code if you find something that is not working!
- Java
- RARS, at the following address:
Italian name | English Name | Description |
20200312_PrimaStampa.asm | 20200312_FirstOutput.asm | It prints -3 because it performs 5 - 8 |
20200312_PrimaStampaProc.asm | 20200312_FirstOutput2.asm | Same as above, but using a different syntax |
20200312_SommaDueNumeri.asm | 20200312_TwoNumberSum.asm | Print the sum between 5 and 8 |
20200312_SommaElVettoriProc.asm | 20200312_VectorElementSum.asm | Sums element in a vector |
20200312_SommaElVettoriProcStack.asm | 20200312_VectorElementSum2.asm | BUGGY: Same as above, but using a different syntax |
20200316_Fattoriale.asm | 20200316_Factorial.asm | Print factorial of x |
20200316_HelloWorld.asm | 20200316_HelloWorld.asm | Self explanatory |
20200316_InputStampaNumero.asm | 20200316_InputNumberAddOne.asm | Given a number, add 1 and print it on the terminal |
20200316_ListaTrovaDimProc.asm | 20200316_NumberOfNodesInALinkedList.asm | Print how many nodes a linked list has |
20200316_NumPariDispari.asm | 20200316_EvenOdd.asm | Given a number, print if the number is even or odd |
20200319_SommaListaRicorsiva.asm | 20200319_RecursiveSumList.asm | Given a list, print the sum of all numbers |
20200319_StampaListaInvertitaRicorsiva.asm | 20200319_ReverseList.asm | Given a list, print it backwards |
20200319_StampaListaSemplice.asm | 20200319_PrintList.asm | Print list using a while loop |
20200323_Albero.asm | 20200323_Tree.asm | Print sum of nodes in a double linked list (tree) |
20200323_Fibonacci.asm | 20200323_Fibonacci.asm | Print Fibonacci(6) |
20200323_FibonacciDaInput.asm | 20200323_FibonacciInput.asm | Print Fibonacci(n), where n is given by input |
20200323_Matrice.asm | 20200323_Matrix.asm | Print sum of each cell in a matrix |
20200326_NumeroFoglieAlberone.asm | 20200326_TreeLeavesNumber.asm | Print number of leaves in a big tree |
20200402_FunzioneAltezzaAlbero.asm | 20200402_FunzioneAltezzaAlbero.asm | Print tree's height |
20200402_SommaDiagonale_percasa.asm | 20200402_DiagonalMatrixSum.asm | Print sum of each element in the diagonal of a matrix |
20200514_AlberoCovid.asm | 20200514_CovidTree.asm | BUGGY: Return 1 if 1 is in the tree. It is called CovidTree because, 1 means infected node, 0 healthy node |
20200521_SoluzioneHw2.asm | 20200521_Hw2Sol.asm | Same as before, but it prints the height of the nearest infected node |