BrowserForge is a browser header and fingerprint generator that mimics the frequency of different browsers, operating systems, and devices found in the wild.
It is a reimplementation of Apify's fingerprint-suite in Python.
- Uses a Bayesian generative network to mimic actual web traffic
- Extremely fast runtime (0.1-0.2 miliseconds)
- Easy and simple for humans to use
- Extensive customization options for browsers, operating systems, devices, locales, and HTTP version
- Written with type safety
pip install browserforge[all]
python -m browserforge update
The [all]
extra will include optional libraries like orjson.
Use python -m browserforge update
to fetch necessary model files. If the command is not run, files will be downloaded on the first import.
As of BrowserForge 1.2.1, the model files are frozen to v2.1.58. Newer model files have been contaminated with SQL and CLI injection attacks. Please update to the latest version of BrowserForge.
>>> from browserforge.headers import HeaderGenerator
>>> headers = HeaderGenerator()
>>> headers.generate()
{'sec-ch-ua': '"Chromium";v="122", "Not(A:Brand";v="24", "Google Chrome";v="122"', 'Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile': '?0', 'Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform': '"Windows"', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': '?1', 'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'same-site', 'Sec-Fetch-User': 'document', 'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'navigate', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br, zstd', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US;q=1.0'}
Headers can be added to a session in requests (or similar libraries) by assigning them to the headers
import requests
session = requests.Session()
# Set the session headers
session.headers = headers.generate()
Parameters for HeaderGenerator
browser (Union[ListOrString, Iterable[Browser]], optional): Browser(s) or Browser object(s).
os (ListOrString, optional): Operating system(s) to generate headers for.
device (ListOrString, optional): Device(s) to generate the headers for.
locale (ListOrString, optional): List of at most 10 languages for the Accept-Language header. Default is 'en-US'.
http_version (Literal[1, 2], optional): Http version to be used to generate headers. Defaults to 2.
strict (bool, optional): Throws an error if it cannot generate headers based on the input. Defaults to False.
Parameters for HeaderGenerator.generate
Generates headers using the default options and their possible overrides.
browser (Optional[Iterable[Union[str, Browser]]], optional): Browser(s) to generate the headers for.
os (Optional[ListOrString], optional): Operating system(s) to generate the headers for.
device (Optional[ListOrString], optional): Device(s) to generate the headers for.
locale (Optional[ListOrString], optional): Language(s) to include in the Accept-Language header.
http_version (Optional[Literal[1, 2]], optional): HTTP version to be used to generate headers.
user_agent (Optional[ListOrString], optional): User-Agent(s) to use.
request_dependent_headers (Optional[Dict[str, str]], optional): Known values of request-dependent headers.
strict (Optional[bool], optional): If true, throws an error if it cannot generate headers based on the input.
Set constraints for browsers by passing the optional strings below:
headers = HeaderGenerator(
Set multiple constraints to select from. Options are selected based on their actual frequency in the wild:
headers = HeaderGenerator(
browser=('chrome', 'firefox', 'safari', 'edge'),
os=('windows', 'macos', 'linux', 'android', 'ios'),
device=('desktop', 'mobile'),
locale=('en-US', 'en', 'de'),
Set specificiations for browsers, including version ranges and HTTP version:
from browserforge.headers import Browser
browsers = [
Browser(name='chrome', min_version=100, max_version=110),
Browser(name='firefox', max_version=80, http_version=1),
Browser(name='edge', min_version=95),
headers = HeaderGenerator(browser=browsers)
Note that all constraints passed into the HeaderGenerator
constructor can be overridden by passing them into the generate
Headers can be generated given an existing user agent:
>>> headers.generate(user_agent='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36')
Select from multiple User-Agents based on their frequency in the wild:
>>> headers.generate(user_agent=(
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0'
Initialize FingerprintGenerator:
from browserforge.fingerprints import FingerprintGenerator
fingerprints = FingerprintGenerator()
Parameters for FingerprintGenerator
screen (Screen, optional): Screen constraints for the generated fingerprint.
strict (bool, optional): Whether to raise an exception if the constraints are too strict. Default is False.
mock_webrtc (bool, optional): Whether to mock WebRTC when injecting the fingerprint. Default is False.
slim (bool, optional): Disables performance-heavy evasions when injecting the fingerprint. Default is False.
**header_kwargs: Header generation options for HeaderGenerator
Parameters for FingerprintGenerator.generate
Generates a fingerprint and a matching set of ordered headers using a combination of the default options specified in the constructor and their possible overrides provided here.
screen (Screen, optional): Screen constraints for the generated fingerprint.
strict (bool, optional): Whether to raise an exception if the constraints are too strict.
mock_webrtc (bool, optional): Whether to mock WebRTC when injecting the fingerprint. Default is False.
slim (bool, optional): Disables performance-heavy evasions when injecting the fingerprint. Default is False.
**header_kwargs: Additional header generation options for HeaderGenerator.generate
Example response
navigator=NavigatorFingerprint(userAgent='Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; '
'Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) '
'AppleWebKit/537.36 '
'(KHTML, like Gecko) '
'Chrome/ '
userAgentData={'architecture': 'arm',
'bitness': '64',
'brands': [{'brand': 'Not '
'version': '99'},
{'brand': 'Google '
'version': '121'},
{'brand': 'Chromium',
'version': '121'}],
'fullVersionList': [{'brand': 'Not '
'version': ''},
{'brand': 'Google '
'version': '121.0.6167.160'},
{'brand': 'Chromium',
'version': '121.0.6167.160'}],
'mobile': False,
'model': '',
'platform': 'macOS',
'platformVersion': '13.6.1',
'uaFullVersion': '121.0.6167.160'},
appVersion='5.0 (Macintosh; Intel '
'Mac OS X 10_15_7) '
'AppleWebKit/537.36 '
'(KHTML, like Gecko) '
'Chrome/ '
vendor='Google Inc.',
extraProperties={'globalPrivacyControl': None,
'installedApps': [],
'isBluetoothSupported': False,
'pdfViewerEnabled': True,
'vendorFlavors': ['chrome']}),
headers={'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
'Accept-Language': 'en-US;q=1.0',
'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'navigate',
'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'same-site',
'Sec-Fetch-Site': '?1',
'Sec-Fetch-User': 'document',
'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X '
'10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like '
'Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
'sec-ch-ua': '"Not A(Brand";v="99", "Google '
'Chrome";v="121", "Chromium";v="121"',
'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"'},
videoCodecs={'h264': 'probably', 'ogg': '', 'webm': 'probably'},
audioCodecs={'aac': 'probably',
'm4a': 'maybe',
'mp3': 'probably',
'ogg': 'probably',
'wav': 'probably'},
pluginsData={'mimeTypes': ['Portable Document '
'Portable Document '
'plugins': [{'description': 'Portable Document Format',
'filename': 'internal-pdf-viewer',
'mimeTypes': [{'description': 'Portable '
'Document '
'enabledPlugin': 'PDF '
'suffixes': 'pdf',
'type': 'application/pdf'},
{'description': 'Portable '
'Document '
'enabledPlugin': 'PDF '
'suffixes': 'pdf',
'type': 'text/pdf'}],
'name': 'PDF Viewer'},
{'description': 'Portable Document Format',
'filename': 'internal-pdf-viewer',
'mimeTypes': [{'description': 'Portable '
'Document '
'enabledPlugin': 'Chrome '
'PDF '
'suffixes': 'pdf',
'type': 'application/pdf'},
{'description': 'Portable '
'Document '
'enabledPlugin': 'Chrome '
'PDF '
'suffixes': 'pdf',
'type': 'text/pdf'}],
'name': 'Chrome PDF Viewer'},
{'description': 'Portable Document Format',
'filename': 'internal-pdf-viewer',
'mimeTypes': [{'description': 'Portable '
'Document '
'enabledPlugin': 'Chromium '
'PDF '
'suffixes': 'pdf',
'type': 'application/pdf'},
{'description': 'Portable '
'Document '
'enabledPlugin': 'Chromium '
'PDF '
'suffixes': 'pdf',
'type': 'text/pdf'}],
'name': 'Chromium PDF Viewer'},
{'description': 'Portable Document Format',
'filename': 'internal-pdf-viewer',
'mimeTypes': [{'description': 'Portable '
'Document '
'enabledPlugin': 'Microsoft '
'Edge '
'PDF '
'suffixes': 'pdf',
'type': 'application/pdf'},
'Document '
'enabledPlugin': 'Microsoft '
'Edge '
'PDF '
'suffixes': 'pdf',
'type': 'text/pdf'}],
'name': 'Microsoft Edge PDF Viewer'},
{'description': 'Portable Document Format',
'filename': 'internal-pdf-viewer',
'mimeTypes': [{'description': 'Portable '
'Document '
'enabledPlugin': 'WebKit '
'built-in '
'suffixes': 'pdf',
'type': 'application/pdf'},
{'description': 'Portable '
'Document '
'enabledPlugin': 'WebKit '
'built-in '
'suffixes': 'pdf',
'type': 'text/pdf'}],
'name': 'WebKit built-in PDF'}]},
battery={'charging': False,
'chargingTime': None,
'dischargingTime': 29940,
'level': 0.98},
videoCard=VideoCard(renderer='ANGLE (Apple, ANGLE Metal Renderer: '
'Apple M2 Pro, Unspecified Version)',
vendor='Google Inc. (Apple)'),
multimediaDevices={'micros': [{'deviceId': '',
'groupId': '',
'kind': 'audioinput',
'label': ''}],
'speakers': [{'deviceId': '',
'groupId': '',
'kind': 'audiooutput',
'label': ''}],
'webcams': [{'deviceId': '',
'groupId': '',
'kind': 'videoinput',
'label': ''}]},
fonts=['Arial Unicode MS', 'Gill Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Menlo']
mockWebRTC: False,
slim: False)
Constrain the minimum/maximum screen width and height:
from browserforge.fingerprints import Screen
screen = Screen(
fingerprints = FingerprintGenerator(screen=screen)
Note: Not all bounds need to be defined.
and FingerprintGenerator.generate
inherit the same parameters from HeaderGenerator
Because of this, user agents, browser specifications, device types, and operating system constrains can also be passed into FingerprintGenerator.generate
Here is a usage example:
fingerprint.generate(browser='chrome', os='windows')
Fingerprint injection in BrowserForge is deprecated. Please check out [Camoufox] instead.
BrowserForge is fully compatible with your existing Playwright and Pyppeteer code. You only have to change your context/page initialization.
# Import the AsyncNewContext injector
from browserforge.injectors.playwright import AsyncNewContext
async def main():
async with async_playwright() as playwright:
browser = await playwright.chromium.launch()
# Create a new async context with the injected fingerprint
context = await AsyncNewContext(browser, fingerprint=fingerprint)
page = await context.new_page()
Replace await browser.new_context
with await AsyncNewContext
in your existing Playwright code.
Parameters for AsyncNewContext
Injects an async_api Playwright context with a Fingerprint.
browser (Browser): The browser to create the context in
fingerprint (Optional[Fingerprint]): The fingerprint to inject. If None, one will be generated
fingerprint_options (Optional[Dict]): Options for the Fingerprint generator if `fingerprint` is not passed
**new_context_options: Other options for the new context
# Import the NewContext injector
from browserforge.injectors.playwright import NewContext
def main():
with sync_playwright() as playwright:
browser = playwright.chromium.launch()
# Create a new context with the injected fingerprint
context = NewContext(browser, fingerprint=fingerprint)
page = context.new_page()
Replace browser.new_context
with NewContext
in your existing Playwright code.
Parameters for NewContext
Injects a sync_api Playwright context with a Fingerprint.
browser (Browser): The browser to create the context in
fingerprint (Optional[Fingerprint]): The fingerprint to inject. If None, one will be generated
fingerprint_options (Optional[Dict]): Options for the Fingerprint generator if `fingerprint` is not passed
**new_context_options: Other options for the new context
Undetected-Playwright is also supported in the browserforge.injectors.undetected_playwright
package. The usage is the same as the Playwright injector.
# Import the NewPage injector
from browserforge.injectors.pyppeteer import NewPage
from pyppeteer import launch
async def test():
browser = await launch()
# Create a new page with the injected fingerprint
page = await NewPage(browser, fingerprint=fingerprint)
Replace browser.newPage
with NewPage
in your existing Pyppeteer code.
Parameters for NewPage
Injects a Pyppeteer browser object with a Fingerprint.
browser (Browser): The browser to create the context in
fingerprint (Optional[Fingerprint]): The fingerprint to inject. If None, one will be generated
fingerprint_options (Optional[Dict]): Options for the Fingerprint generator if `fingerprint` is not passed
To fully remove all files, run the following commands:
python -m browserforge remove
pip uninstall browserforge