This is an example of implemention of Clean Architecture in Golang projects.
This project has 4 layer :
- Infrastructure Layer (Frameworks & Drivers)
- Interface Layer (Interface Adapters)
- Usecase Layer (Application Business Rules)
- Domain Layer (Enterprise Business Rules)
If you want to more understand, please refer to Zenn!
This projects used a firestore. You must set the firestore. The following Golang入門 Firestore導入篇
# Setting
$ go mod tidy
# Prepare firestore account, and setting
$ path/to/serviceAccount.json
# Move to directory
$ cd application
# Run the application
$ go run main.go
# Execute the call
$ http://localhost:1323/users
- @nrslib, Qiita 実装クリーンアーキテクチャ
- Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob), The Clean Code Blog
- Golang入門